Long-time pastor and New Testament scholar Hershael York is the new dean of the School of Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Here a collection of his articles, interviews and more.
Hershael York
How to preach difficult doctrines without splitting your church
Faithful doctrinal teaching always starts with the text, not a system.
How do I follow a long-tenured pastor?
Following a pastor who has run well is only a problem for those who lack the character or the stamina to do the same.
Staying at a church for the long haul
It’s best for both the health of a church and its pastor for him to dig in and stay
Recovering from a bad sermon
How should a preacher handle the occasional failure even after extensive study and spiritual preparation?
Should I ever break from an expository sermon series?
I am a shepherd who preaches, not a preacher who shepherds. In other words, I am not merely a Bible teacher exegeting the text, but a pastor walking through life with the people I serve and applying the texts I exegete.
6 things to remember when making changes in a local church
Change occurs through people. People follow leaders, and leaders know the value of relationship.
Why some preachers get better and others don’t
No one denies that a preaching class and some coaching can help anyone become better. What we question is the possibility that someone with no natural giftedness and ability can be taught well enough that he can become really good.
Top 5 rookie pastor mistakes
Pastors who try to reap the dividends of authority without making the investment of credibility will quickly find themselves in a leadership deficit.