Lessons from God’s school of waiting
We pray in hope, and then we wait on the Lord to answer.
We pray in hope, and then we wait on the Lord to answer.
EDITOR’S NOTE: In what follows, Southern Seminary President R. Albert Mohler Jr. discusses the new SBTS Press title, Confessing the Faith: The Living Legacy of Southern Seminary’s Abstract of Principles, with Towers editor S. Craig Sanders. CS: The title of your introduction is “Confessional Integrity: The Abstract of Principles Then and Now.” What has changed…
R. Albert Mohler Jr., editor Confessing the Faith: The Living Legacy of Southern Seminary’s Abstract of Principles (SBTS Press 2016, $16.99) Three decades ago, when R. Albert Mohler Jr. enrolled as a student at Southern Seminary, some of his professors openly disagreed with the institution’s confession of faith. Written by Basil Manly Jr. in 1858 as the…
At times we need to make certain we’re holding up our own confession of faith and making clear that this is not just what we believe, it’s who we are. … this book is a way of making clear for now and for future generations these are the truths we hold and hold boldly. — R. Albert Mohler Jr.
Gregg Allison and Chris Castaldo, The Unfinished Reformation: What Unites and Divides Catholics and Protestants After 500 Years (Zondervan 2016, $16.99) Hot takes and the social media echo chamber have rendered civil discourse on vital issues nearly impossible in recent years. As we approach the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, the need for clarity and…