Why Covenant Theology Matters for Baptists Today

To defend our views on regenerate membership, congregational polity, and religious liberty, we can look back at our rich tradition and learn from how Baptists in the past articulated these views based upon a distinct covenant theology.

Does the BF&M Allow for Female Associate Pastors?

The short answer is that it identifies only two offices and categorically limits the pastoral office to qualified men. The basis of this limitation is not arbitrary but based on God’s design as it is revealed in Scripture.

Episode 35: Steve Gaines discusses Adrian Rogers and the SBC presidency.

Dr. York sits down with Steve Gaines (senior pastor, Bellevue Baptist Church in Cordova, TN) to discuss Adrian Rogers and the SBC presidency.

Episode 30: Bryant & George Wright discuss family in ministry & why we need the SBC.

Dr. York sits down with father-and-son Bryant & George Wright to discuss family in ministry & why we need the SBC.

Episode 29: Amy Whitfield discuss SBC FAQs and parenting teenagers.

Dr. York sits down with Amy Whitfield (director of marketing and communications, SEBTS; associate VP for convention communications, Executive Committee) to discuss SBC FAQs and parenting teenagers.

Episode 26: Ronnie Floyd discusses COVID-19 & the SBC

Dr. York sits down with Ronnie Floyd (former pastor of Cross Church in Northwest Arkansas, president & CEO of the SBC Executive Committee) to discuss COVID-19 & the SBC

Why every preacher should know John Broadus

Broadus’ “soul was on fire with the truth which he trusted had saved him and he hoped would save others”

10 reasons every pastor should care about missions

Billions of people are being born, living their entire lives, and dying without ever hearing the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This reality cannot be tolerable.

Leader Influences

The 122-year legacy of Consolidated Baptist Church

Two Southern Seminary alumni lead historic African American Baptist church in Lexington, Kentucky.

Removing the Stain of Racism from the Southern Baptist Convention

Removing the Stain of Racism from the Southern Baptist Convention by Jarvis J. Williams and Kevin M. Jones, editors. (B&H Academic 2017, $24.99) He had hardly left the church parking lot on the way to a missions and evangelism conference when an elderly and active lady in my father’s Southern Baptist congregation uttered the first…

Overcoming the stain of racism

Williams and Jones discuss new book on race and the Southern Baptist Convention

Six reasons you should attend the SBC Annual Meeting

I want to encourage pastors, students, and future pastors to attend the SBC for at least six reasons.