
Don’t let your tone of voice ruin your sermon

Striking the right tone, like all aspects of preaching, requires persistent vigilance.

5 moves to integrate theology into your ministry

If you want a church to be saturated with truth, then stay there and walk through life with them.

3 ways to encourage your weary, faithful pastor

Your pastor doesn’t need flattery, but he does need genuine, biblical encouragement that helps him keep his hands to the plow.

Cumbre de expositores 2014: Sesión 2

La predicación no tiene un rol que intenta exponer asuntos religiosos expertos pero si es una función profética en la que Dios habla a su pueblo. Por esta razón la cumbre de expositores está diseñada para fortalecer e instruir predicadores y estudiantes con la tarea gloriosa de desarrollar un ministerio expositivo. Está invitado a escuchar…

20 things every Christ-centered sermon needs

Did Jesus have to be resurrected for this sermon to work? If not, start over

5 mistakes pastors make when preaching controversial doctrine

A pastor must never forget that God sent him to love the people, not merely to imbue them with biblical facts.

A Word-Centered Culture Instead of a Man-Centered Culture

The danger is that we will become man-centered instead of Word-centered, so that we prize the preacher more than what is preached.

Expository preaching and the recovery of Christian worship

The church will not be judged by the Lord for the quality of her music but for the faithfulness of her preaching.

Expositores Summit 2013: Sesión General 4

Available in English here.

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