Silence, Solitude, and Spiritualty
Sometimes, in a social setting, we need someone to remind us when it’s time to stop talking and to start listening. The same can be true of our growth as disciples of Jesus.
Sometimes, in a social setting, we need someone to remind us when it’s time to stop talking and to start listening. The same can be true of our growth as disciples of Jesus.
Your time in seminary will affect your practice of prayer.
If you’ve taken Personal Spiritual Disciplines with me, you can probably guess much of what you are about to read here—or at least I hope you can. But even if you have taken the class, I hope you’ll find these brief reminders helpful.
Rather than considering what makes us the happiest, is the easiest, or is the most comfortable, Christians must desire and pursue what pleases Christ.
Let us pray — both privately and together and as brothers and sisters in the family of God!
Prayer is humble because when we pray, we are saying that God is merciful and mighty, that He is wise and sovereign, and that He knows far better than us what is best for us.
The Spirit of God will use the word of God to help the people of God pray increasingly according to the will of God.
Our Father loves to hear our voices. Nothing is too small to bring to him.
It’s a privilege to pray to someone who is infinitely wiser than we are, who knows us better than we know ourselves, and who loves us more than any human father ever could.
If you pastor for long, you’re going to doubt your calling. Don’t waste this opportunity for maturity. Let it drive you to your knees.
When praying the Bible, our primary activity is prayer, not Bible intake. Bible reading is secondary in this process. Our focus is on God through prayer; our glance is at the Bible.
In episode 4 of the Pastor Well podcast, Dr. York sits down with John Onwuchekwa — Pastor of Cornerstone Church in Atlanta, Georgia — to discuss church planting, prayer, and preaching.
Jesus teaches us that if we have the smallest amount of faith, God works on our behalf.
Does God hear the prayers of unconverted children?
We cannot earn a hearing with God through sincerity. We need Christ to get access to God.
The persecuted church needs our prayer. Here’s how you can help.
Scripture teaches that God knows all things and plans all things and that our prayers change things.