Pastoral Ministry

5 Puritan Prescriptions for Gospel-Centered Preaching

Puritans weren’t content merely to defend doctrine from the pulpit; they sought to apply truth in the pews by engaging the hearts of their hearers.

Nine Guidelines for Counseling Suicidal People

While you can’t solve all the problems a suicidal person faces, you can pleadingly and prayerfully point him to the One who can, and you can commit to walking with him through his struggles.

The Priestly Ministry of Peacemaking

We must be marked not merely by the courage to do battle when necessary but also the gentleness, wisdom, and endurance needed to win the peace.

Author Interviews – Jeremy Pierre | “God With Us”

Jeremy Pierre | “God With Us”

You’re a Pastor, Not a Therapist

A pastor’s job is not to dismiss personal experience, but rather to help people see it differently—specifically, to see it according to who God is and the chief purpose of his design for human life.

How Should a Pastor Handle Criticism? This Book Gives Excellent Advice

Pastors are sinners dealing with sinners, so criticism is inevitable while ministering in a fallen world.

5 Ways to Encourage Your Pastor

In our fallen world, sin knows no boundaries, sheep bite, wolves creep into churches, and life is hard.

The 8 Stages of a Long-Term Pastoral Ministry

One day every shepherd will give an accounting to the Chief Shepherd. May we be able to offer a good report from every stage.

Bookstore Events: Jonathan Pennington “Small Preaching”

Jonathan T. Pennington discusses his new book, Small Preaching: 25 Little Things You Can Do Now to Make You a Better Preacher.

Author Interviews – Jeremy Pierre “When Home Hurts”

Author Interview

Three Reasons Pastors Must Pursue Holiness

The battle against sin is lost when the pastor thinks he is in a separate class, impervious from the spiritual warfare faced by all believers. First and foremost, he must see himself as a Christian who must endure to the end.

Brother Pastor, Take Up and Read

God communicated to us through a book, through the written word, and, therefore, he expects us to read.

How Important Are Associations for Pastors and Churches?

When I consider many of the pastors in our region today, I see men who have become dear friends and I see brothers who are on the same team. It’s so much harder to walk away from that.

Opposition Is Coming, Pastor. How Will You Handle It?

The Holy Spirit works through the preaching of the Word to accomplish far more than a pastor will ever know, even in opposition.

Pastor, How’s Your Bedside Manner?

Like a good doctor, pastors must strive to present difficult truths in a clear, kind, compassionate manner. May we guard against our tendency to allow the tone of our message from hindering the truth from being heard.

4 Reasons Why It’s Important for a Pastor to Know Himself

Until heaven, our motives will never be as pure as they should be. But how can we know if they are carnal unless we first know ourselves?

How Can Pastors Combat Conspiracy Theories in Their Church?

The enemy would love God’s people chasing abstract and far-fetched untruths rather than sharing the good news of the gospel with their neighbors.

Pastors Should Have Friends within Their Churches

Isolation and loneliness are common struggles for even the most extroverted pastors, and they remind us that those called to shepherd God’s flock need ministry too.