Pastoral Ministry
9Marks at Southern 2016: General Session 4
9Marks at Southern 2016: General Session 4 (Audio)
9Marks at Southern 2016: General Session 3 (Audio)
9Marks at Southern 2016: General Session 2 (Audio)
9Marks at Southern 2016: General Session 2
9Marks at Southern 2016 General Session 1
The Use of Preaching
The Use of Preaching (Audio)

Why everyone in your church needs theology
What a sad thought, that theology is only for the professional theologians. May we who prize theology stress its place in the church and show how practical it is, for in so doing we will save both ourselves and those around us.
Urban Ministry Panel Discussion

Beware of your fictional church
His words rang in my ears for days and triggered a few nights of nocturnal unrest. “What were you expecting in the pastorate? You’re not in seminary any more and this church isn’t filled with your seminary buddies. You’re in the real world now, son.”
If the World Hates You
If the World Hates You (Audio)

I Just Arrived to Pastor a Dying Church… Now What?
The best approach for a pastor when entering a dysfunctional, dying congregation is to simply be a pastor to those people.
Ministers of the Gospel (Audio)
Ministers of the Gospel
La naturaleza destructiva del orgullo en el ministerio
Nick Floyd nos recuerda el peligro tan enorme que hay cuando un ministro tiene su corazón lleno de orgullo. La advertencia es simple: O te humillas or serás humillado por Dios. Debemos examinar nuestros corazones y si encontramos orgullo debemos ir a Dios por que sólo a través de Su Espíritu podemos caminar en humildad.…