
La Teología Evangélica del Cuerpo, La Teologia Bíblica y la Crisis Sexual.

La Teología Bíblica sin critica es un camino a la crisis

Seminario 9Marks: Teología Bíblica- Eres hijo de Dios

Abraham y La importancia de la Teologia Biblica Conferencia Internacional de 9Marks en Español

Why the Great Commission Isn’t Just for Missionaries

As the victorious and triumphant Lord, Christ sends his people out into the world. It is under the marching orders of King Jesus that we, as his ambassadors, take the gospel to the nations.

How to care about social justice (without losing the gospel)

We need to stop pretending that Jesus does not call his churches to act on behalf of the poor, the sojourner, the fatherless, the vulnerable, the hungry, the sex-trafficked, the unborn.

All of the church’s best leaders should move away. Here’s why.

The task of a pioneer missionary is not a fall-back option for those who can’t make it in the States.

"When Conflict Fractures Your Family" – John Piper Reflects on the Home and Ministry

In a recent “Ask Pastor John” podcast, Tony Reinke asked John Piper, “What steals your joy?”

The Portrayal of Fathers in Popular Media

At best, television dads are nominal or figurehead leaders of the home, but at worst, they are relegated to the intellectual level of the family pet.

Training Children for Their Good

We tend to hold very strong views about parental discipline, and those views are often rooted in our experience.