
Book Reviews (Fall 2015)

Defending Substitution: An Essay on Atonement in Paul.By Simon Gathercole. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2015. 128 pp., $19.99 Paperback.  Simon Gathercole is senior lecturer in New Testament studies in the Faculty of Divinity of the University of Cambridge and Fellow and director of studies in theology at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge. He has published several books, such…

What if I preach a bad sermon?

When a sermon doesn’t go well, most of us get very discouraged and if the despair is great enough, it might cause us to question whether we should continue to preach at all.

The conviction to lead: Winston Churchill’s courageous legacy

Sir Winston Churchill is widely regarded as the greatest leader of the 20th century. Born in the splendor of Blenheim Palace on Nov. 30, 1874, Churchill’s life would span the most decisive years of the transition into the modern world. Though faced with great adversity — and driven by a titanic self-confidence — he would…

7 Questions about Winston Churchill with great-grandson Jonathan Sandys

Fifty years after his death, Winston Churchill remains the epitome of a bold and successful leader. Co-author of the recent God & Churchill, the British Prime Minister’s great-grandson Jonathan Sandys discusses the marks of Churchill’s leadership and why he provides hope for leaders today, especially those who fail. CS: What defined Churchill’s leadership? JS: When…

10 things Winston Churchill definitely said

Winston Churchill is one of the most quoted leaders of all time, yet many modern citations put words in the lion’s mouth. You’ve probably heard this one: “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen” (looking at you, RG3). As Churchill himself…

The real Colonel Sanders and his surprising ties to Southern Seminary

The unmistakable visage of Colonel Sanders has experienced a public resurgence courtesy of a new mass-media marketing campaign cooked up by the KFC fast food company. Recent commercials have raised the question as to whether the Colonel’s mantle can be carried adequately by a single actor, thus necessitating a group of famous comedians passing the…

Once mute, multilingual Boyce student says his autism is a gift from God

Six months after his parents moved from California to Uruguay with the International Mission Board in 1990, Steven Kunkel stopped speaking. His parents first thought their one-year-old son had culture shock, but knew something else was wrong when Kunkel did not speak for nearly three years. When Kunkel was 4, his father took him to…

The richness and depth of ‘faith alone’: Schreiner discusses new book and relevance of Reformation doctrine

EDITOR’S NOTE: Below, Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation at Southern Seminary, discusses his book Faith Alone: The Doctrine of Justification with Towers writer Andrew J.W. Smith. AJWS: As we approach the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, do you think the Lutheran understanding of justification “by faith alone” still holds…

Feature book review: Thomas R. Schreiner’s ‘Faith Alone’

Faith Alone: The Doctrine 
of Justification, Thomas R. Schreiner (Zondervan 2015, $19.99) Review by Andrew J.W. Smith The doctrine of justification is just as important in the 21st century as it was five centuries ago, writes Thomas R. Schreiner in his latest work, Faith Alone. The book explores salvation by grace through faith from a…

Book Reviews: ‘Openness Unhindered,’ ‘Amy Carmichael,’ ‘Held in Honor’

God & Churchill, Jonathan Sandys and Wallace Henley (Tyndale Momentum 2015, $26.99) Review by S. Craig Sanders Sir Winston Churchill is widely regarded as the greatest leader of the 20th century, but biographers have often struggled to identify what exactly set Churchill apart from his contemporaries besides his at times lone opposition to Adolf Hitler. In…

Towers | November 2015