
#DistractedDevotion: 3 Ways Smartphones Affect Your Spiritual Life

“Open your Bibles, your phones, or your tablets with me to the passage for today’s sermon.” This now common refrain in pulpits across America represents the seismic shift the past decade of the digital revolution has created in the lives of nearly 200 million people. And it’s not just in this country — in four years,…

The gospel in broken classrooms: Kevin Jones models service and sacrifice for future teachers

More than ever, places in desperate need for the gospel do not welcome pastors or missionaries. Both closed countries and American public schools try to keep Christians away, so believers have to use creative platforms. “Teachers can go places where pastors cannot go,” said Kevin Jones, assistant professor of teacher education at Boyce College, who…

‘Humble and brilliant’: Wright discusses new biography on Theodore Beza

EDITOR’S NOTE: In what follows, Shawn D. Wright, associate professor of church history at Southern Seminary, talks about his new book, Theodore Beza: The Man and the Myth, with Towers writer Andrew J.W. Smith. AJWS: What can seminary students learn from Theodore Beza? SW: I think it’s always helpful to learn from a man who lives in a very…

Feature book review: ‘Theodore Beza: The Man and the Myth’

Theodore Beza: The Man and the Myth, Shawn D. Wright (Christian Focus 2016, $14.99)  Despite being one of the great figures of the Protestant Reformation, not much is known about Theodore Beza, French theologian and acolyte of the more famous John Calvin. In fact, what is known is often mythical and exaggerated, such as the erroneous perception…

Book reviews: ‘Martin Luther’; ‘The Pastor’s Book’; ‘A History of Western Philosophy and Theology’; ‘From Topic to Thesis’

Martin Luther: Visionary Reformer, Scott H. Hendrix (Yale University Press 2015, $35)  Review by S. Craig Sanders The approaching 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation will result in a deluge of scholarly and popular works examining the life and influence of Martin Luther. But I doubt none will be as freshly insightful as Scott H. Hendrix’s…

‘The Means of Grace’ — Charles Wesley on spiritual disciplines

Among Protestant practitioners of spiritual disciplines, the Oxford Holy Club developed one of the most famed regimens. The group, initiated by Charles Wesley in 1728 and supported by his brother John, included other luminaries like George Whitefield, John Clayton, and Benjamin Ingham. This society — also dubbed “the Methodists” — encouraged pious acts such as…

Towers | April 2016

Ways to Support Southern Seminary

Invest in the next generation of gospel ministers.

If Christ Is Not Raised

As Christians who exult in the evangel, the good news of God’s redeeming love for sinners, we rightly cherish above all else the cross of Jesus Christ. Good Friday services are among the most glorious of our annual gatherings as we reflect upon that sacrifice. We delight to read and pray and sing and preach…