
4 things every pastor needs to know about doubt

May we speak slowly and listen carefully, so that many souls be preserved by churches who abide by patient peacemaking.

4 practical steps to stop saying “Um” while preaching

It is amazing the progress we can make over our unnecessary speech fillers once we own them and begin to focus on working ourselves out of them.

Why our Sundays should center on sermons

Preaching is the overwhelming witness of Scripture as the means of communicating the words of God.

5 reasons pastors need the Psalms

As a Christian, I love the Psalms. As an academic, I study them. But as a pastor, I need them.

What if the resurrection never happened?

Without Easter Sunday, Good Friday is just another Friday. It is Jesus’s resurrection that secured our resurrection (Col 2:12).

The resurrection really happened: textual criticism and Easter

The Bible’s authentic textual history won’t be confirmed by sensational discoveries. It will be confirmed by patient study and analysis of the evidence.

9 doctrines you need to know today

You can trust everything the Bible says about the Christian life. But these nine are among those the Bible emphasizes most often.

Heroism, Valor, and the Moral Argument for God

The heroism and valor we see in those serving COVID-19 victims isn’t illusory. The moral response to encountering heroism and valor testifies to the reality of these virtues, grounded ultimately in God.

Evangelism in a Time of Social Distancing

The risk worth taking is not one that endangers someone’s physical wellbeing by violating the spatial separation we must maintain. The risk worth taking is one that is bold enough to confront the spiritual and eternal danger others are already in.

7 ways theology drives us to worship

To perceive God’s eternal power and divine nature and not respond with worship is to sinfully proclaim that God is unworthy — and nothing could be further from the truth.

Why every preacher should know John Broadus

Broadus’ “soul was on fire with the truth which he trusted had saved him and he hoped would save others”

What Christians can learn about ethics from COVID-19

Do we sacrifice the economy to save human lives or do we sacrifice human lives to save the economy?

8 Things You Need to Know About Counseling

Everyone is called to personal ministry of the Word. An essential element of every calling is to know people and to help them process their lives before the Lord. 

Should a pastor try to reunite a split church?

Christians, old and young, diverse in many different ways can be united around a love for Christ and a love for each other.

These 7 things are true for every pastor

If you are going to pastor the Lord’s church and walk through life with his people, you had better be certain that he told you to do it.

Battling panic in the age of coronavirus

Will we trust in Christ or will we get swept away by panic?

4 Ministry Lessons I Learned as a Car Salesman

I stepped into car sales out of necessity, to put food on the table. Little did I know God would use this wilderness journey to teach me how to pastor.

10 reasons every pastor should care about missions

Billions of people are being born, living their entire lives, and dying without ever hearing the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This reality cannot be tolerable.