
Author Interviews – Timothy Beougher “Invitation to Evangelism”

A conversation with Timothy Beougher about his new book, “Invitation To Evangelism: Sharing The Gospel With Conviction And Compassion”

What Does the Atonement Mean for You?

There is no greater news than this: Christ Jesus, as God the Son incarnate, perfectly meets our need before God by his obedient life and substitutionary death.

Why Did Jesus’s Teaching Astonish His Hearers?

Jesus proved to be a masterful chess player. He simply refused to get caught in verbal or intellectual traps, and in fact always managed to turn the heat back on the one who posed the challenge in the first place.

Does God Still Speak Through Dreams? (Part 2)

If dreams are valid today, they must be coupled with gospel proclamation. Any replacement of the gospel with dreams undermines the very economy of salvation God has revealed in Scripture.

Episode 25: Robby Gallaty discusses his radical salvation and ministry of discipleship

In the season 3 premiere of Pastor Well, Dr. York sits down with Robby Gallaty (senior pastor, Long Hollow Baptist Church in Hendersonville, TN) to discuss his radical salvation and ministry of discipleship.

God isn’t fair (and that’s a good thing)

What you and I need now more than ever is not fairness but forgiveness.

10 doctrines you need today (and every day)

If people believe false ideas, inevitably they act on them in disastrous ways. Theology matters.

Episode 22: Michael Reeves on the Trinity, family, and global state of Christianity.

Dr. York sits down with Michael Reeves (president, Union School of Theology in the UK) to discuss the Trinity, family, and the global state of Christianity.

Episode 20: Dan Darling on gospel characters, writing, & preaching

Dr. York sits down with Dan Darling (VP for Communications at the ERLC) to discuss Gospel characters, writing, & preaching.

Six ways the cradle points to the cross

The good news links the Christmas story with Easter and shows how one is incomplete without the other.

3 ways God’s grace is amazing

The Lord’s grace sustains, transforms, and carries us into eternity.

Is Christianity a religion of doctrine or of love? Yes.

Christianity does not begin by telling us to love other people. It begins with the great biblical doctrines of God, man, Christ, and the gospel.

Why legalism destroys churches and kills Christians

The law as a guide to salvation is a terrible taskmaster.

Why Christ’s birth was an act of war

Christmas is not just about baby Jesus. It’s about the warrior-king Jesus, coming to redeem his people.