Remembering the Father in Fatherhood: Biblical Foundations and Practical Implications of the Doctrine of the Fatherhood of God
We have a great deal of instruction from the Lord concerning fatherhood, but, frankly, we need more than instruction.
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We have a great deal of instruction from the Lord concerning fatherhood, but, frankly, we need more than instruction.
In many ways the family-equipping model represents a middle route between the family-integrated and family-based models.
The family-based model seeks to merge a comprehensive-coordinative vision for parents with the segmented-programmatic perspective that remains prevalent in many contemporary churches.
The family-integrated approach represents a complete break from the “neo-traditional” segmented-programmatic church.
The title of this article may raise some immediate questions in the minds of readers: Is there really a connection between the doctrine of the Trinity and the design and practice of family ministry (1)?
A Headship of “Love and Complicated Interest”: The Father’s Role in the Puritan Household
Fathers are called to be pastors in their homes.
Part of Bushnell’s thesis is that parents are responsible for the spiritual development of their children; he argues that Christian nurture begins in the home.
After decades on the back burner of congregational life, family ministry has suddenly become a hot topic.
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