Family Ministry

How to train parents to disciple their kids

If we want our family ministries to be effective, we need to involve parents.

The Pastor’s Home as Paradigm of the Church’s Family Ministry

The idea of fathers as the pastors of their homes is not one constructed artificially; it arises from the testimony of Scripture. The word “pastor” comes from the Latin word for “shepherd”—and every father is called to serve as a shepherd in his home (5).

"When Conflict Fractures Your Family" – John Piper Reflects on the Home and Ministry

In a recent “Ask Pastor John” podcast, Tony Reinke asked John Piper, “What steals your joy?”

The Portrayal of Fathers in Popular Media

At best, television dads are nominal or figurehead leaders of the home, but at worst, they are relegated to the intellectual level of the family pet.

Training Children for Their Good

We tend to hold very strong views about parental discipline, and those views are often rooted in our experience.

Marriage, Celibacy, and the Hierarchy of Merit in the Jovinian Controversy

Though some maintained the importance of marriage, others taught the need to abstain from sex in order to pursue more spiritual or philosophical endeavors.

Volume 3, Issue 1: Marriage and Children

Raising Children, the Christian Way

Three texts in the Christian Scriptures are particularly significant for the topic of raising and rearing children: Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Proverbs, and Ephesians 6:1-4.

Ministering the Love of Christ to Single Teen Mothers

Sue pleaded with great emotion in her voice, “Mary, I don’t know what to do! Yesterday I ran into Christine, a friend of mine from high school. She led me to the Lord when we were working together at that time. Since then she’s stopped walking with the Lord, had a baby out of wedlock, and the father has custody.

Volume 2, Issue 2: Motherhood

Volume 3, Issue 2: Intergenerational Faithfulness

Heath Lambert Reviews Mark Driscoll’s ‘Real Marriage’ in the Journal of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

Heath Lambert provides a thorough review of Mark Driscoll’s recent book, Real Marriage: The Truth about Sex, Friendship, and Life Together.

Volume 2, Issue 1: Adoption

How Should We Define Family Ministry?

We in the family-equipping movement are specifically seeking practices of family ministry that are driven and defined by a Scripture-saturated plan for equipping parents to embrace primary responsibility for their children’s discipleship.

Remembering the Father in Fatherhood: Biblical Foundations and Practical Implications of the Doctrine of the Fatherhood of God

We have a great deal of instruction from the Lord concerning fatherhood, but, frankly, we need more than instruction.