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Colossians 1:24-25
The Hope of Future Glory Has Conquered The Present Sufferings of Creation!
If the World Hates You
If the World Hates You (Audio)
Andrew Fuller Conference 2015: Session B – “Benjamin Keach on Persecution” (Audio)
Andrew Fuller Conference 2015 Session 2: Persecution and Paul (Audio)
Andrew Fuller Conference 2015 Session 2: Persecution and Paul
Andrew Fuller Conference 2015 Session 1: Persecution in Revelation (Audio)
Andrew Fuller Conference 2015 Session 1: Persecution in Revelation
Viviendo a través de las tormentas
Muchas veces idealizamos la vida cristiana como una vida perfecta y lejos de los problemas, pero la verdad es esta: habrán tormentas duras. La pregunta es, ¿Qué pensar cuando la tormenta llega a nuestras vidas? Available in English here.
Sin Palabras
El pastor Ken Whitten nos recuerda que el ministerio no es fácil, y mucho menos carente de fracasos. En su capilla el afirma que jamás podremos vivir con los fracasos y tristezas de la vida a menos que no resolvamos el siguiente asunto, y es el asunto mas difícil de todos: “conocer a Dios no…

Religious liberty and persecution: a global perspective
Our suffering brothers and sisters beckon us not to let the cost of following Christ in our culture silence our faith.
10 ways to thrive in the face of pastoral challenges
When Paul described the burden of ministry that God has given us, he concluded by asking the question, “Who is equal to such a task?” (2 Cor 2:16) After reviewing the challenges of leadership in the church, we might ask the same thing. We must remember, however, that wherever God calls, He also enables. God…
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