
Sermon: Spiritual Exercises to Make You Strong

Table of Contents (Summer 1999)

Editorial: A Plea for Biblical Preaching

The Divine Majesty of the Word: John Calvin, The Man and His Preaching

Reason, Revelation, and Preaching: An Unpublished Ordination Sermon by Jonathan Edwards

Thus Saith the Lord

The Anatomy of Expositon: Logos, Ethos, and Pathos

Sermon: Expositional Preaching as a Mark of a Healthy Church

Expository preaching is central to God’s plan for building healthy churches.

Is Application Necessary in the Expository Sermon?

The SBJT Forum: Profiles of Expository Preaching

Table of Contents (Spring 1999)

Editorial: Neglected Voices in Theology

A Revelation of the Inward: Schleiermacher’s Theology and the Hermeneutics of Interiority

Crawford Howell Toy and the Weight of Hermeneutics

Schlatter Reception Then: His New Testament Theology

Schlatter Reception Now: His New Testament Theology

Christian Missions: The Challenge of the Twenty-First Century

The SBJT Forum: Overlooked Shapers of Evangelicalism