
Book Review: Totis

A slim, unassuming book, J Joseph Kazden’s TotIs is an unusual blend of Eastern mysticism, quantum mechanics, Socratic dialogues, and a healthy dose of perceptual denial. With a background in mathematics, chemistry, and psychology, Kazden has devoted his life to a pursuit of the nature of perception and reality. His current work as an artist…

Book Review: Religion, Metaphysics, and the Postmodern: William Desmond and John D. Caputo

Nietzsche’s assertion, “God is dead,” in the late nineteenth century ushered in a new age of Western philosophy. Prior to the Enlightenment, metaphysical questions were viewed as prior to epistemological questions. As story goes, the Enlightenment converted the order of priority, not only giving epistemology priority over metaphysics, but also relegating metaphysical questions to the…

Fantastical Ideals

All people are philosophers. What we believe, think, and feel about the substance and experience of life forms our comprehensive philosophy. The degree of thought we put into the differing subjects of “traditional” philosophy (metaphysics, epistemology and axiology) will determine whether we classify ourselves as professional philosophers, laypersons, or the uninitiated. Our beliefs are reflected…

Redeeming Home: A Christian Theology of Place in a Placeless World

In 2011, a sleepy southern town gave everything to one of its own. Ruthie Leming was a wife, a mother of three daughters, and a well-loved middle school teacher in Starhill, Louisiana. And she was dying. When Ruthie and her brother Rod were growing up, Starhill was a town of nearly 2,000 people. It was…

A Practical Philosophy of Beauty: Dialoguing with Scruton and Wolterstorff

Pablo Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d’Avignon is a brutal, graphic, and disturbing portrayal of man’s ability to use art to critique the actions of his peers, to inform a blinded public of their sins, and make complicit his audience in the crime it portrays. It is an eight foot tall slap in the face by the…

Redefining Humanity: Evaluating the Metaphysical Concerns of Transhumanist Ideals

Consider for a moment, as Plato once did, a man in a cave, chained to the dusty ground with nothing but the stone wall before him. The inside of the cave is dark, aside from the fire burning in the background with flames creating just enough light to make out the faces of four men…

SBTS community remembers Draper at memorial service

Southern Story

‘Blessed are the flourishing’: how the wise teachings of Jesus in the sermon on the mount lead to true happiness

New Testament professor Jonathan T. Pennington talks about his new book on the Sermon on the Mount.

What we can learn about Martin Luther from his hymn writing

history highlight

95 ways to reform your fall

Whether you’re new to Louisville or a veteran of blue books and Moodle deadlines, mark your fall semester with a different sort of 95 theses.

DNA of a Christian work ethic

Christians ought to be marked by diligence, integrity, and eternity in their work.

The personal stewardship of James P. Boyce

The financial struggles and successes of the founder of Southern Seminary.

Blessing the bereaved: Jane Kratz turned her grief into ministry

After losing her husband to cystic fibrosis, Kratz committed herself to helping others deal with their own grief.

Book Reviews:’Glory in the Ordinary’;’Father Brown and the Ten Commandments’;

Glory in the Ordinary: Why Your Work in the Home Matters to God by Courtney Reissig (Crossway 2017, $14.99) Review by Annie Corser In Glory in the Ordinary, Courtney Reissig challenges the rising cultural mindset that housework is mundane and meaningless. Although she writes from her experience as a stay-at-home mom, Reissig provides deep theology about…

Removing the Stain of Racism from the Southern Baptist Convention

Removing the Stain of Racism from the Southern Baptist Convention by Jarvis J. Williams and Kevin M. Jones, editors. (B&H Academic 2017, $24.99) He had hardly left the church parking lot on the way to a missions and evangelism conference when an elderly and active lady in my father’s Southern Baptist congregation uttered the first…

Overcoming the stain of racism

Williams and Jones discuss new book on race and the Southern Baptist Convention

Editorial: Thinking about Typology

Typology allows us to know God’s Word better and to see how all of Scripture relates to Christ, and how, we, as God’s people, are the beneficiaries of all of God’s promises in Christ.

Biblical-Theological Exegesis and the Nature of Typology

As Doug Moo has noted, “typology is much easier to talk about than to describe.”1 Even among evangelicals, competing definitions of typology are legion. These matters are further complicated by related (and equally polarizing) issues such as the nature of biblical theology, the NT’s use of the OT, the structure of the canon, authorial intent,…