
Peter’s Theology of Discipleship to the Crucified Messiah (1 Peter 2:18-25)

Introduction The apostle Peter is one of the most prominent of the first disciples of Jesus in the canonical record. He was among the earliest of the disciples of Jesus (cf. John 1:35; 2:1-11; Matt 4:17-22), and quickly became the leader of the band of disciples (Matt 10:1-4), a position he held into the earliest…

Persecution and the “Adversary” of 1 Peter 5:8

Introduction Of the 105 verses that make up the epistle of 1 Peter, none are quoted more by the early Church Fathers than 1 Peter 5:8: “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” As a seemingly straightforward encouragement in the face of spiritual warfare,…

Leaving the Past Behind: A Sermon on 1 Peter 4:1-6

Introduction Julius spent much of his time around the local temple. He was a trader, a merchant, and there were always crowds around the temple plying their trade and willing to do business. On Fridays when he had finished his day’s work he enjoyed the weekly feast sacrificing to the local gods. There was certainly…

Book Reviews

The Lost Sermons of C. H. Spurgeon, Volume 1. Nashville: B&H, 2017. Edited by Christian George. 400 pages. $59.99 Review by Matthew Boswell Charles Spurgeon once accused a student of plagiarizing one of his own sermons. During the inquisition, the student confessed to using Charles Simeon’s outline. In the moment of conflict, Spurgeon recalled that he…

Theology Forum

For this month, Towers asked two theology faculty members to answer this question: Where are you on the cessationist-continuationist spectrum? What do you make of stories about incredible supernatural or demonic activity? Bruce A. Ware T. Rupert and Lucille Coleman Professor of Christian Theology My position is a bit of a compromise, or blending, of…

Morgan Wild: From the jungles of Indonesia to the halls of Boyce College

Morgan Wild grew up on the mission field of Indonesia with his life on camera.

Lottie Moon and Chinese Superstitions

Keeping in theme with stranger things in missions, this month’s History Highlight explores Lottie Moon’s ministry in China.

‘We’re going into battle’

Spiritual Warfare and Pastoral Ministry

Making the truth plain: Authors discuss new book about expository preaching

EDITOR’S NOTE: Below, Brian K. Payne, associate professor of Christian theology and expository preaching at Boyce College and pastor of First Baptist Church of Fisherville, Kentucky, Jim Orrick, professor of literature and culture at Boyce College, and Ryan Fullerton, lead pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky, talk with Towers writer RuthAnne Irvin about…

Book and Music Reviews: ‘Surviving and Thriving in Seminary’; ‘Hope of Every Promise’; ‘The Economics of Neighborly Love’; ‘Theology, Church, and Ministry.’

Surviving and Thriving in Seminary by H. Daniel Zacharias and Benjamin K. Forrest (Lexham Press 2017) Review by Andrew J.W. Smith Seminary is hard. Whether you’re single or married, seminary is probably going to push you in ways you didn’t expect. Beyond simply learning time management or sharpening their research skills, prospective seminary students need an…

Feature review: Encountering God through Expository Preaching

Encountering God through Expository Preaching: Connecting God’s People to God’s Presence through God’s Word (B&H Publishing 2017, $19.99) Jim Scott Orrick, Brian K. Payne, and Ryan Fullerton He preacher’s task is not just a Sunday morning endeavor. Instead, it involves much preparation and investment — seven days a week. While this task is essential to…

3 Questions with Karen Swallow Prior

Karen Swallow Prior Professor of English at Liberty University How do you uphold a biblical view of gender roles while also promoting the importance of women faithfully serving in the public square? The distinctions in gender roles prescribed by both special revelation (Scripture) and natural revelation (biology) are pretty few relative to all that all…

A God-Orchestrated Friendship

How one relationship led to a lifelong connection between a family and Southern Seminary.

A Legacy of Church-Focused Scholarship

A look at the SBTS Ph.D. program at age 125

Questions you’ve always wanted to ask about the Reformers

Luther did not set out to start a new movement what he saw was that the church needed to be reformed not only in its morals, but also in its doctrine.

3 Questions with Rod Dreher

Rod Dreher Author of The Benedict Option and senior editor at The American Conservative What is one argument you make in The Benedict Option that has been broadly misunderstood or misrepresented in media coverage? Oh, this one is as easy as it is frustrating: People thinking that I’m calling for Christians to head for the…

Luther, Erasmus, and the textual legacy of the Reformation

Luther disagreed with the theology of Desiderius Erasmus, yet he and the entire Reformation benefitted enormously from his translation work.

From Pulaski County to Podolsk, Russia

Melissa Tucker feels most at home within the classroom