Keeping the Evangel in Evangelism
Why evangelicalism can’t abandon the old, old story
Why evangelicalism can’t abandon the old, old story
Southern Seminary alumnus Bland Mason and the quiet, strategic movement to reach America’s most iconic city.
R. Albert Mohler Jr. explains how Christians have understood the Lord’s Prayer for centuries — and why it matters more than ever today
Billy Graham leaves behind a rich legacy not only in evangelism and American religious life, but in the history of Southern Seminary. In 1963, under the leadership of SBTS President Duke McCall, the school established the Billy Graham chair of evangelism, which became a position now held by Timothy K. Beougher. In 1993, Southern Seminary…
Brett McCracken Senior editor at The Gospel Coalition, author of Uncomfortable, regular film critic Your new book Uncomfortable explains the value of embracing flawed but essential local church communities. Why was that topic important to you? It was important to me because the local church is so incredibly important. I see many in my generation…
EDITOR’S NOTE: Below, R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of Southern Seminary, talks with Towers editor Andrew J.W. Smith about his new book, The Prayer That Turns the World Upside Down. AJWS: Why write a book on prayer now? Was there a motivating factor? RAM: There’s a motivating factor deeply rooted in history. There has been…