
Priesthood in the Book of Revelation

Book Reviews

‘In awe of what God has done’

Longtime professor Hershael York tells his story of meeting R. Albert Mohler Jr. and the early days of his presidency.

know your neighborhood

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Three Questions with Alistair Begg

Freedom of delivery in the pulpit depends upon careful organization in the study.

History Highlight: SBTS Library Archives — then and now

Materials in the Archives and Special Collections are available for research Monday through Friday, 9-5, on the second floor of the James P. Boyce Centennial Library.

Book Reviews September 2018

“Spiritual Gifts: What They Are and Why They Matter”; “How the Nations Rage: Rethinking Faith and Politics in a Divided Age”; “Kiss the wave: Embracing God in Your Trials”; “ESV Archeology Study Bible”; “Acts 1-12 For You”

What should we do about spiritual gifts?

Thomas R. Schreiner discusses his new book on the topic.

The gospel in color: how to teach your kids

Jarvis Williams and Curtis Woods discuss their new book ‘the gospel in color.’

Main Course: Tips for Surviving Seminary

For many, the academic rigor of master’s-level seminary work is daunting. S. Craig Sanders, former editor of Towers and an SBTS M.Div. graduate, offers a few tips and words of advice.

Theology Forum: What is “open” or “closed” communion — and why does it matter?

When a church observes communion, who is eligible to sit at the Lord’s table?

Feature Review: Growing In Gratitude

Growing In Gratitude Gratitude is more complex than a smile on one’s face or a polite, “thank you.” In Growing in Gratitude, Mary Mohler provides a rich theology revealing the deeper roots of gratitude. Many Christians experience a lull in their joy for the things of God years after conversion, and Mohler encourages them to…

Book Reviews: ‘When Your Twenties Are Darker Than You Expected ‘; ‘All Things Hold Together in Christ’; ‘To Change the Church’; ‘An Introduction to Christian Worldview’

When Your Twenties Are Darker Than You Expected by Paul Maxwell (Amazon Kindle 2018, $2.99) Review by Sarah Haywood Twentysomethings experience a decade that is often dark and difficult to navigate, where the expectations of childhood disappear and responsibility arises. The “darkness” of the this stage is real, and in learning to engage it, according…

Gratitude is a ‘deeply theological issue’

EDITOR’S NOTE: In her debut book, Mary Mohler, the first lady of Southern Seminary, encourages readers to pursue gratitude and offers strategies for how to grow in it. Towers contributor Annie Corser sat down with Mohler in her home to talk about the book, Growing in Gratitude. AC: How important is it to know Scripture…

The long road to media engagement in the SBC


From Google to Grudem

Jake Tuazon’s path to SBTS

How to watch Netflix

Redeeming Media Consumption

Editorial: Thinking Theologically About Vocation and Work