
Christotelic Preaching: A Plea for Hermeneutical Integrity and Missional Passion

Expository Preaching and Christo-Promise

Christocentric Preaching

Preaching Christ from the Old Testament and from Genesis 15:1-6

Preaching Christ from the Old Testament: A Review of Elliott Johnson and Vern Poythress

“Christotelic Preaching”: Reflections on Daniel Block’s Approach

Reflections on Preaching Christ from the Old Testament

How Do We Preach Christ from the Old Testament? A Response to Daniel Block, Elliott Johnson, and Vern Poythress

Preaching Christ from the Old Testament: A Response to Daniel Block, Elliott Johnson and Vern Poythress

Real Thick Meaning and Preaching Christ from the Old Testament

Lifting the Veil: Reading and Preaching Jesus’ Bible through Christ and for Christ

Preaching Christ from the Old Testament: A Response to Daniel Block, Elliott Johnson, and Vern Poythress

Reflections on Preaching Christ from the Old Testament

Book Reviews

Theology Forum: Who would be on your theological Mt. Rushmore?

We asked Southern professors, “Excluding biblical characters (so, not Moses, Jesus, or Paul), who would be on your theological Mt. Rushmore?”

Main Course: Tips for Surviving Greek

There are a lot of things that are important to the seminary student — ministry, work, family, and personal spiritual growth. But don’t lose sight of this fact: You are here to study. this series of articles hopes to make that responsibility more manageable.

Leadership in Community

jones and wilder discuss how to lead gently

History Highlight: Basil Manly’s fight for the truth of the Bible

Basil Manly, Jr., one of the four founders of Southern Seminary, is primarily remembered today as the author of three important compositions: the Abstract of Principles, the hymn “Soldiers in Christ, in Truth Arrayed,” and The Bible Doctrine of Inspiration Explained and Vindicated. All three have played important roles in the history of Southern Seminary,…