
Evangelism as a Way of Life

If you live a committed Christian life but never share the gospel verbally, then how does your non-Christian neighbor know the source of your hope? And conversely, if you communicate the gospel verbally but are a complete jerk in the process, then those words of eternal life may well fall on deaf ears.

Workers Unashamed: Our Vision for the Billy Graham School

Our vision for the only graduate school allowed to bear the name of Billy Graham is to produce graduates who exemplify the humble courage of steady work.

The History and Significance of the Billy Graham School

In establishing the Billy Graham School of Missions, Evangelism, and Church Growth in 1994, Mohler was able to raise a banner that marked The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary as a school that was committed not only to inerrancy, scriptural fidelity, and historic Southern Baptist doctrinal convictions but also to strengthening Southern Baptist commitment to evangelism and missions.

The Great Commission Is Our Mandate

Our mission statement prioritizes what Jesus prioritized. Our focus is God’s Word, God’s mission, and God’s church.

Billy Graham’s Transformative Investment in Southern Seminary

I will be forever indebted to Dr. Graham for the fact that he gave so generously of his time to come to Louisville, and to give his enthusiastic support to what we were seeking to do right here on this campus.

From the Editor

As we commemorate three decades of the faithfulness of The Billy Graham School of Missions, Evangelism, and Ministry, we do so with eager anticipation for the future.

Editorial: Reflecting on the Glory of the Cross

What Qualifies as Orthodoxy in Regard to the Atonement? Five Elements from the First Seven Ecumenical Councils

The Son as Object of all that the Father Is: Trinity and Penal Substitutionary Atonement

“Simply” Preeminent: Defending the Preeminence of Penal Substitutionary Atonement through Divine Simplicity

Passover and Passion: Atonement in the Thought of Gregory the Theologian

Anselm and the God of Classical Theism

Jesus Died Only for His Sheep: A Syllogism for Definite Atonement

Was James the First Pope

Book Reviews

Editorial: Learning from the Cappadocians

The Cappadocian Fathers: A Brief Introduction

A Vision of God, A Vision of Seminary