Article Page Feature

Pastor, is church planting for you?

Our personalities, aptitudes, dispositions, and so forth will shape the how but not the what of our ministries. We are to “fulfill our ministry” regardless of the inner characteristics God knit into the fabric of who we are.

I’m grateful J. I. Packer wrote theology for the church

Dr. Packer is now safe in the arms of his dear Savior, but what the writer of Hebrews says of Abel’s legacy of faith will be true of Packer for years to come: “though he died, he still speaks.”

Don’t look for community in the church. Be the community.

True community is never found by looking for it. It can only be found by pursuing Christ. He understands loneliness better than we do.

What’s the difference between interpreting the Bible and praying the Bible?

When praying the Bible, our primary activity is prayer, not Bible intake. Bible reading is secondary in this process. Our focus is on God through prayer; our glance is at the Bible.

Pastor, teach your church theological triage

Pastor, help your people see when it’s time to go to war and when it’s time for diplomacy.

Six things you inherit when you pastor an established church

Considerate pastors understand what they are inheriting before people stop introducing them as the “new pastor.”

If Christians can lose their salvation, we all lose the gospel

Denying the perseverance of the saints has absolutely devastating consequences.

Five reasons you should read the whole Bible in 2020

Every student of the Bible, particularly those who are charged with teaching it, should commit to reading it in a calendar year.

Six ways the cradle points to the cross

The good news links the Christmas story with Easter and shows how one is incomplete without the other.

What does godly encouragement look like?

Don’t underestimate the impact your encouragement might have in someone’s life.

How much doctrine does one have to know to be saved?

Asking about the minimal level of doctrinal knowledge a Christian must have is dangerous if one is trying to get out of believing the whole Bible. But if it is asked humbly, the answer is a sweet reminder that, as the old adage goes, the gospel is shallow enough for a child to wade in and deep enough for an adult to swim in.

Balancing people and place in missions

Jesus commissions his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations. That command necessitates focus on both peoples and also places.

‘For he is our peace’: The centrality of the gospel of Christ in racial reconciliation

Only the gospel of Christ can solve the problem of racism. Only the gospel can assure us that in Christ there is hope for reconciliation with God, and with one another.

New book dives deep into Andrew Fuller, the pastor

Andrew Fuller is a voice from the past that is worthy of befriending.

Does Paul want husbands and wives to ‘submit to one another’?

The pattern for a husband’s headship is Christ’s headship over his bride — the church.

The Christian sexual ethic is going to be the dividing line — and not just because of Christians

Many Christian leaders have been warning for some time that the issue of Christianity’s sexual ethic is going to be a dividing line — that it would be a Reformation-like moment that would lead to dividing denominations, tearing asunder friendships and unity in its wake. That is no longer speculative.