
Three biblical foundations for social ministries

  A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to spend five days with some of Southern Seminary’s sharpest students discussing the biblical foundations of Christian missions.  We walked through the Scriptures together and identified how God’s Word speaks to our missionary task.  One of the topics that always arises is the relationship between evangelism and…

4 priorities for every gospel-centered parent

Human parenting, and especially human fathering, points and shows something of what it means to know God and who God is.

Part 2: 12 principles to help you navigate the adoption process

  Read part one of this post here. When you adventure through a process like the one my wife and I did – all adoptions are adventures and each presents its own set of unique circumstances and challenges – you learn a lot about yourself and about your marriage. Like anything else, you can either…

Adoption road map: navigating the often winding road of adoption – Part 1

  Make your plans in pencil. This is good advice for your career, for your marriage and, yes, for your adoption. When my wife, Jane, and I adopted our second son, our inked-in plans blew up in our faces. There we were, expanding our family, trying to promote the gospel through adoption. And everything went…

How to bring about change in your church (without getting fired)

Bring about change in your church through careful, patient, and intentional leadership.

Church revitalization: restoring the church’s first love

  Along similar lines today, countless churches desperately need revitalizing. And, in God’s goodness, the same prescription he gives for that ancient church is the same for today’s churches. Indeed, the early church at Ephesus is a case study in church revitalization with relevance far beyond its own time. In Acts 20, the apostle Paul…

Evangelicalism’s major turn: the need for ‘generation replant’

  One stunning building in Manchester, England, is now a climbing center. In Bristol, one is now a circus school, with trapezes hanging from the rafters. Others are now grocery stores, car dealerships, libraries and pubs. All over England, many are now Islamic mosques. What do these venerable buildings have in common? Until recently, all…

Breathing new life into dying churches

At the North American Mission Board (NAMB), our mission is to help Southern Baptists push back lostness in North America. Our primary strategy for doing that is called Send North America, and that strategy includes two primary goals. First, we want to help increase the church birth rate by helping Southern Baptists start 15,000 new churches over…

Dangers of denial in 
a declining church

Many dying churches refuse to see the diminishing influence of their churches for the good of the Kingdom and do nothing about it. Denial means more and more churches will be closing their doors.

Restoring the church’s first love: a case study from the church at Ephesus

In our terms, Paul sends Timothy to revitalize the church at Ephesus.

Breathing new life into dying churches

At the North American Mission Board (NAMB), our mission is to help Southern Baptists push back lostness in North America. Our primary strategy for doing that is called Send North America, and that strategy includes two primary goals. First, we want to help increase the church birth rate by helping Southern Baptists start 15,000 new churches…

Evangelicalism’s major turn: the need for ‘generation replant’

  One stunning building in Manchester, England, is now a climbing center. In Bristol, one is now a circus school, with trapezes hanging from the rafters. Others are now grocery stores, car dealerships, libraries and pubs. All over England, many are now Islamic mosques. What do these venerable buildings have in common? Until recently, all…

‘Feed my sheep’: A shepherd’s call to war

The church desperately needs a new generation of pastors and preachers who are ready to be kind and courageous shepherds of Christ’s flock. Do you remember the conversation between Peter and our Lord after his resurrection from the dead? When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you…

‘Feed my sheep’: A shepherd’s call to war

  [tweetable]The church desperately needs a new generation of pastors and preachers who are ready to be kind and courageous shepherds of Christ’s flock.[/tweetable]   Do you remember the conversation between Peter and our Lord after his resurrection from the dead? When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John,…

Balancing family and ministry: Part 2: situations, seasons and accountability

  In Part 1, I discussed two of the five categories that I think of when answering young ministers about how to balance their family and ministry. This part discusses the rest of those five principles that, while not hard and fast rules, have been helpful for my family and ministry. 3.  Unique Situations Beyond…

Balancing family and ministry: Part 1: priority and capacity

  Over the last several weeks I have been pulled aside by several young pastors asking me for advice. They want to know how to balance the demands of ministry and the demands of their family. These are younger guys in their 20s and 30s and they are stressed out. They’re feeling the pull to produce and be…

Life as a Shepherd Leader

The young man who declared he wanted to be a pastor but didn’t want to deal with people was contradicting himself. You can’t be a shepherd without living among the sheep.

Permanence before experience — the wisdom of marriage

  Rightly understood, marriage is all about permanence. In a world of transitory experiences, events, and commitments, marriage is intransigent. It simply is what it is — a permanent commitment made by a man and a woman who commit themselves to live faithfully unto one another until the parting of death. That is what makes…