
Why read aloud?

strategies for reading to your children

Essential attributes of an effective worship leader

Leading a task that engages a holy God with such eternal implications should not be handled lightly.

Feature review: Invitation to Biblical Hebrew

Invitation to Biblical Hebrew: An Intermediate Grammar by Russell T. Fuller (Kregel Publications 2017, $64.99) Regardless of the method you choose, learning Biblical Hebrew is hard. A massive amount of memorization, diligence, and patience are required to learn it well, and the student is exposed to a extremely foreign language system. While Greek has letters…

Friends Now and Hereafter: The Ghost Story of A.T. Robertson

John Sampey received a mysterious letter with a message from his late friend and colleague A.T. Robertson. Problem was, Robertson had been dead for three years.

Monks, meditation, and Matthew

A Vietnamese student’s road to faith

How fiction can enrich your spiritual imagination

Don’t just start scrolling through your Netflix queue immediately after taking your last final exam. Set the TV remote aside for a minute and crack open a novel first. You might be surprised where it takes you.

He’s memorized 42 books of the Bible and you can, too

There’s no magic here. Just repetition over time.

How to stop demanding members from driving you out of church

You can either leave ministry because of them, or you can deal with them.

How can my church be involved in short-term missions?

As we look at missions opportunities and pass each opportunity through a biblical sieve to make sure that what we are doing actually fulfills what the Lord would have us do.

Riggan’s rigor: Remembering the remarkable life of George W. Riggan

Distinguishing himself as the antithesis of Crawford Toy, Riggan is remembered as having the potential to be one of the seminary’s most accomplished and respected professors.

Feature review: God the Son Incarnate

Orthodox Christology remains the most faithful to the biblical presentation of Christ and the most coherent theological formulation of his identity and significance.

Making the most of Sunday morning conversations

It is a constant juggling match that most pastors feel they fail at most of the time.

‘I became a Christian in the classroom’

Daniel M. Gurtner, SBTS faculty member, on why academic rigor equips students for ministry.

Peace or Sword? Reaching Muslims in a divided world

Ayman Ibrahim led a team from Southern Seminary to Dearborn, Michigan — known as the “Mecca of the United States” and boasts the highest concentration of Muslims of any city in the country.

5 ways the gospel transforms your parenting – Part 2

Our goal is a kingdom that never ends, and our purpose in parenting is to see this kingdom revealed through our families.

5 Ways the gospel transforms your parenting – Part 1

The assumption that keeping a list of rules can make everything right isn’t limited to arm-twisting seven-year-olds.

Preaching in a Secular Age — Spring 2017 Magazine

3 Elements that need to be in every funeral sermon

“Don’t preach them into heaven. Don’t preach them into hell. Just preach the gospel for the people who are there.”