Author Interview: R. Albert Mohler Jr. on “Acts 13-28 For You”
R. Albert Mohler Jr. discusses his newest book “Acts 13-28 For You” on mapping the explosive multiplying of the church
R. Albert Mohler Jr. discusses his newest book “Acts 13-28 For You” on mapping the explosive multiplying of the church
The more we hold ourselves to our covenant promises, the more our relationships grow.
Was is sinful for Rahab to lie? Did she actually lie at all?
Jesus took the opportunity to use a human atrocity and a natural disaster to preach both the danger of life in a fallen world and also the need to repent.
Although it is a rarely explored subject in Andrew Fuller studies, the famous Baptist was an exemplary father.
The Bible is a beautiful, unique text, and its story informs ours.
Many of us want a big church. But sometimes, God has other plans.
4 tips from the famous preacher on handling controversy.
There is only one God, and that means there is only one plan of salvation.
Southern Seminary is not the end of the road, but the starting point. Here are three things to remember about post-seminary life.
Just as the work of redemption belonged to Jesus alone, so elements of his preaching can only be reflected in ours.
Baptists believe that those who have not been immersed in water as believers to symbolize their union with Christ by faith have not been baptized. Here’s why.
To suggest that an author other than Moses wrote Deuteronomy 34 by no means undermines Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch or the inspiration of Scripture.
The fulfillment of your calling is not just a future possibility. The fulfillment of your calling to ministry is something you are responsible to pursue and demonstrate in the here and now.
Church discipline can be the mechanism for inspecting the genuineness of conversion.
The joy of serving as an undershepherd of the Chief Shepherd is all the greater when shared with other called and qualified men.
I can assure you that you’re not the first pastor to wrestle with the question of whether you’re really called to pastoral ministry.
A college or university can be a very unsafe space. But perhaps not for the reasons you think.