We Need Old Hymns: God Moves in a Mysterious Way
The world is groaning, we are groaning, but God is protecting us, forging our faith on the anvil of affliction because of his love for us and because of a passion for his own glory.
The world is groaning, we are groaning, but God is protecting us, forging our faith on the anvil of affliction because of his love for us and because of a passion for his own glory.
A conversation with Timothy Beougher about his new book, “Invitation To Evangelism: Sharing The Gospel With Conviction And Compassion”
Without a Christ-centered desire to be useful to his church, personal preference and comfort become the deciding factors. When that happens, we have become consumers, and the church is our product.
Perfectionism is the tendency to expect flawless performance from self and others, resulting in frustration at any sign of failure.
There is no greater news than this: Christ Jesus, as God the Son incarnate, perfectly meets our need before God by his obedient life and substitutionary death.
The Scriptures open in Genesis with God as the sovereign King creating the world and everything in it.
The battle against sin is lost when the pastor thinks he is in a separate class, impervious from the spiritual warfare faced by all believers. First and foremost, he must see himself as a Christian who must endure to the end.
With one foot in systematic theology and the other in church history, historical theology can be the bridge to take our study of God to the past or our study of the past to God.
It’s a privilege to pray to someone who is infinitely wiser than we are, who knows us better than we know ourselves, and who loves us more than any human father ever could.
God communicated to us through a book, through the written word, and, therefore, he expects us to read.
When I consider many of the pastors in our region today, I see men who have become dear friends and I see brothers who are on the same team. It’s so much harder to walk away from that.
Jesus proved to be a masterful chess player. He simply refused to get caught in verbal or intellectual traps, and in fact always managed to turn the heat back on the one who posed the challenge in the first place.
What’s the heart issue behind slander and gossip? The narcissistic duo of self-love and self-promotion. When we traffic in slander and gossip, we tear others down and build ourselves up.
The Holy Spirit works through the preaching of the Word to accomplish far more than a pastor will ever know, even in opposition.
At the heart of Sola Scriptura, is the recognition that fallen humans are always looking to replace God’s authority with some other human/creaturely authority
To say God’s mercy ultimately originates as a response to foreseen faith or mercy is to affirm election does depend on human will and exertion, rather than on God (contrary to v. 16).
To lament the decline of cultural Christianity is to lament not simply the loss of a Christian consensus, but the loss of the social capital born of common grace that secular society was borrowing from.
Like a good doctor, pastors must strive to present difficult truths in a clear, kind, compassionate manner. May we guard against our tendency to allow the tone of our message from hindering the truth from being heard.