The Great Commission Is Our Mandate
Our mission statement prioritizes what Jesus prioritized. Our focus is God’s Word, God’s mission, and God’s church.
Celebrating 30 Years at Southern Seminary: A Conversation with Dr. and Mrs. Mohler
The Unmatched Mercy and Grace of God
Faithfulness to the Mission: Recovering the Great Commission
Mohler’s commitment to the founding mission of the Seminary inevitably led to a greater emphasis and focus on God’s overarching mission to redeem and reconcile those created in his image from every tribe, tongue, people, and nation.
Our Role in God’s Mission
What Does It Really Mean to Follow Jesus?
Colossians 1:1-14
15 things every (faithful) missionary needs
Only by God’s kind, saving, and sanctifying grace can anyone attain the characteristics, competencies, and commitments of a faithful missionary.
5 challenges for missionaries (and why they’re worth it)
A missionary’s only hope is found in Christ and in his providential and sovereign work in the world.
10 reasons every pastor should care about missions
Billions of people are being born, living their entire lives, and dying without ever hearing the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This reality cannot be tolerable.
Balancing people and place in missions
Jesus commissions his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations. That command necessitates focus on both peoples and also places.
The Great Disconnect
When you proclaim the gospel, use words
Those who have been changed and shaped by the gospel cannot help but speak and share the gospel.