
Where Do Missionaries Serve?

We release missionaries from our churches and send them off to where the church is not and where the church is weak.

A Passion for Missions: An Encouragement to Pastors

Surely, as he teaches and leads, the pastor will be faithful in directing church members to obey God’s commands including:  “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).

Theological Education: The Good Warfare in Missions

The failure to implement an effective theological education strategy decelerates the development of competent leaders and will restrict biblical growth of the kingdom across the globe.

Who is a Missionary?

In the first article of this series, I defined missions and explained how the gospel of God and the obedience of faith function in this definition. Continuing our series on building a biblical missiology, this article deals with the question: who is a missionary? Taking our lead from Romans 1:1-5, I define missionary as follows:

Building a Biblical Missiology

My goal in this article is to set forth a biblical definition of missions, the purpose for which we send missionaries, that which missionaries do—the missionary-mission.

Skull of Thomas Aquinas Makes Historic Stop in Louisville: What Should Evangelicals Think?

The recent circulation of the head of Thomas Aquinas—albeit one of the most significant theologians of the medieval era—is a sad holdover from the medieval world that our Reformation forbears rightly rejected in toto.

4 Ways Christmas Provides Mission Opportunities

The Christmas season for most of us tends to be a time to slow down, celebrate, and reflect. Yet, Christmas can also provide unique opportunities for Christians to live missionally in tangible ways.

Recapturing the Glory of Christmas

Christmas comes year after year. Even in our secularized, post-Christian culture, our society cannot escape Christmas. This season only exists because God in Christ came into the world to save sinners.

Christ’s People are ‘Thankful, Grateful, Blessed’ All Year Round

Have you noticed the deluge of fall decor for sale in the past decade or so that seeks to encapsulate the season in a few words? Whether it’s beautifully framed wall art, scripted platters or plush kitchen towels, the words “thankful, grateful, blessed” are everywhere.

Our Witnesses in an Un-Christian World

The concept of Christian witness encapsulates the many ways in which God’s church is empowered by God’s Spirit to give testimony in the world about God’s redemption in Christ.

5 Things a Pastor Should Consider When Using a Commentary

Pastors today have access to countless resources and commentaries to help aid in their preparation, but that raises the question how should a pastor use a commentary?

Bookstore Events | A Short Guide to Women’s Ministry: A Conversation with Nora Allison

Three Truths for This Year’s Election

Voting is a privilege and a means to pursue justice.

How Can I Encourage My Church?

This world can be a discouraging place. All Christians are called to encourage one another in the Lord, but pastors bear a unique responsibility to “care for the church of God.”

Bookstore Events | A Parent’s Guide to Navigating Cultural Chaos for Children and Teens

Dr. Dustin Bruce moderates a Panel discussion on Dr. Andrew and Christian Walker’s new Book, “What Do I Say When . . . A Parent’s Guide to Navigating Cultural Chaos for Children and Teens” with Dr. Albert Mohler and Mary Mohler.

Reading the Psalms As a Book

The book of Psalms is a literary musical, and a number of the book’s features demonstrate that the individual psalms have been strategically arranged to create an impressionistic movement of thought. One of the joys of Bible study is finding the clues left by the authors, clues that give us leads to solving the mystery. Are there breadcrumbs on the path if we know what to look for?

The Danger of Sin Unlamented

A decline in the spiritual life lies at the heart of every ruined ministry and every fallen minister. What leads to such a decline? Andrew Fuller (1754–1815), arguably the most important Baptist theologian of the late 18th Century, considered this question in a series of magazine articles in the late 1780s.

Bookstore Event | Christ Crucified: A Presentation by Tom Schreiner on the Theology of Galatians