
Promise, Law, and the Gospel: Reading the Biblical Narrative with Paul

SBJT Forum: Retrieval and the Doing of Theology

Four Theses Concerning Human Embodiment

Book Reviews

Editorial: Ruminations on Priests and Priesthood in Scripture and Theology

The Levitical Priesthood

How a Kingdom of Priests Became a Kingdom with Priests and Levites: A Filial-Corporate Understanding of the Royal Priesthood in Exodus 19:6

You Are Priest Forever: Psalm 110 and the Melchizedekian Priesthood of Christ

Drawing Near to God: Spatial Metaphors for Salvation

A Baptist View of the Royal Priesthood of All Believers

Roman Catholic Theology and Practice of the Priesthood Contrasted with Protestant Theology and Practice of the Priesthood

Book Reviews

Editorial: Reflections on Vocation

Living is Christ and Dying is Gain: Paul’s Reimagining of Human Flourishing in Philippians

The Diligence, Justice, and Generosity of the Wise: The Ethic of Work in the Book of Proverbs

The Sluggard and Covenant Faithfulness: Understanding the Nature of True Virtue and the Call to Industry in Proverbs

“They were not Brought up in Idleness”: Matthew Henry, the Old Testament, and Work

Rules and Roles for Women: Vocation and Order in the Apostolic Fathers