
Let My People Go

SBTS alumnus Raleigh Sadler leads a ministry aimed at equipping local churches to fight human trafficking.

Who Most Influenced Your Understanding of Expository Preaching?

Leader influences

3 Elements that need to be in every funeral sermon

“Don’t preach them into heaven. Don’t preach them into hell. Just preach the gospel for the people who are there.”

Preaching in a secular age

With the advance of secular pluralism, expository preaching must become the church’s strategy for survival.

Beyond the Pulpit

A day-in-the-life of Southern preaching professor and pastor Hershael W. York.

‘Giving Joy’

As a student and supporter, Shelley Caulder’s joyful presence has changed lives at Southern Seminary.

The Centrality of the Bible in Preaching

In a chaotic culture, pastors must rely on the power of God’s Word alone to break through the noise.

Confessions of a fallen worship pastor

“When sin isn’t exposed to the light, it leads to a stronghold, and when a stronghold isn’t dealt with, it leads to an addiction.”

Lessons from God’s school of waiting

We pray in hope, and then we wait on the Lord to answer.