
4 Questions you should ask before joining a church

If you can answer in the affirmative these questions, it is a good possibility you have found your next church.

5 things every new pastor needs to remember

I cannot improve on Paul’s words to a young elder named Timothy but based on Paul’s writings I offer five lines of encouragement for you.

Five terrible reasons to become a pastor

I’ve seen too many people in vocational ministry fail to launch.

This summer, read two old books for every new one

We asked a few faculty members to recommend one new book and two old ones in the same category for summer reading.

How to remember the Bible passages you memorize

I know this might sound like a lot of effort but it is worth every second to have God’s word stored up in our hearts.

Hope for the weary preacher

Father, as I preach, guide me in truth. Protect me from error. Show them he’s true. Let them taste of his beauty.

Should I go to seminary?

Wouldn’t it be easier just to stay put and read a little more?

Give your church the multivitamin of evangelism

Evangelism has a way of nourishing the church in so many ways.

Blessing the bereaved: Jane Kratz turned her grief into ministry

After losing her husband to cystic fibrosis, Kratz committed herself to helping others deal with their own grief.

Book Reviews:’Glory in the Ordinary’;’Father Brown and the Ten Commandments’;

Glory in the Ordinary: Why Your Work in the Home Matters to God by Courtney Reissig (Crossway 2017, $14.99) Review by Annie Corser In Glory in the Ordinary, Courtney Reissig challenges the rising cultural mindset that housework is mundane and meaningless. Although she writes from her experience as a stay-at-home mom, Reissig provides deep theology about…

Removing the Stain of Racism from the Southern Baptist Convention

Removing the Stain of Racism from the Southern Baptist Convention by Jarvis J. Williams and Kevin M. Jones, editors. (B&H Academic 2017, $24.99) He had hardly left the church parking lot on the way to a missions and evangelism conference when an elderly and active lady in my father’s Southern Baptist congregation uttered the first…

Overcoming the stain of racism

Williams and Jones discuss new book on race and the Southern Baptist Convention

Six reasons you should attend the SBC Annual Meeting

I want to encourage pastors, students, and future pastors to attend the SBC for at least six reasons.