The experience of commencement at Southern Seminary and Boyce College is always glorious, but this year’s commencements were a stunning display of God’s promise. In a single day, we graduated almost 700 students in two great outdoor ceremonies that drew thou- sands of family members and friends onto the seminary lawn. God gave us a spectac- ular day and the theme was unrestrained joy. We saw all these graduates, arrayed in their regalia, ready to go out into the pul- pits, into the mission fields, into the work of the Lord.

As our seminary hymn declares, they are “soldiers of Christ, in truth arrayed.” They join the long line of faithfulness that came before them.

A day like that means more than usual for Southern Seminary, maybe more than ever. After more than a year of determined struggle, by God’s grace we came through the interna- tional crisis, had a full program of on-campus classes and did what Southern Seminary and Boyce College exist to do—raise up the next generation of Christian preachers, pastors, leaders, and servants who follow the call of Christ to assignments all over the globe.

How was this possible? God did it, of course. How can we ever express adequate gratitude to God for his grace and mercy and provision in the past year? God did it through his people. Southern Baptists gave faithfully through the Cooperative Pro- gram. Friends of this sacred school gave us the support we needed to see this task done. Students came from all over the world to learn the truths of God’s Word. Faculty members were determined to teach, and bravely they did. Key leaders on this cam- pus just got the job done, day after day.

So, what now? We stay at the task, with a commitment deeper than ever, hearts even more full of joy, and a world ever greater in need. Soon, we will welcome hundreds of new students to the campus and to the Southern Seminary and Boyce College family. If you want to be encouraged, just come to the campus and walk on the sem- inary lawn and see the students and their families and share the joy. Just talk to the students. You will meet some of the most dedicated young people you can imagine, drawn from all across the United States and from more than 70 nations of the world. You will see teenagers just begin-

ning their college adventure and young seminary couples pushing strollers. You will see the future of Christian ministry and service right before your eyes. You will see the promise of God.

Everything we are, everything we do, everything we teach, is based upon the knowledge that God’s Word is truth – inerrant, inspired, infallible, totally true and trustworthy. The theme of this issue of Southern Seminary Magazine is truth- truth unchanged and unchanging.

Where do we go from here? Onward.

Onward, then, ye people,
join our happy throng,
Blend with ours your voices,
in the triumph song;
Glory, laud, and honor,
unto Christ the King;
This through countless ages men and angels sing.