Houston, Texas

A student-organized and student-led team helped with disaster relief for NAMB Send in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. Justin Fountain, a Houston native and student at Southern, led the team.


A five-member team was given the rare opportunity to receive pastoral training in Cuba. Felipe Castro, director of Hispanic Initiatives, led the team.

Costa Rica

Jeff Hunter, dean of students at Boyce College, led a seven-member team to Costa Rica. While there, they received invaluable pastoral training.


Students from the Boyce College Soccer team learned personal evangelism skills and received pastoral training while hosting a kids soccer camp. Matthew Hall, dean of Boyce College, led the team.


Nine people spent part of their spring reaching out and evangelizing to the refugees in Greece. John Klaassen, associate professor of global studies, led the team.


An eight-member team spent 10 days in July evangelizing the people of Ireland. Stephen Wellum, professor of Christian theology, led the team.


Ten students experienced an incredible opportunity for pastoral training in Ethiopia. Michael Pohlman, assistant professor of Christian preaching, led the trip.

Middle East

Eleven students learned how to use business skills in a missionary context in the Middle East. David Bosch, associate professor of business administration, led the team.

North Africa

Ten students received cultural training while practicing their personal evangelism skills in north Africa. Ayman Ibrahim, the Bill and Connie Jenkins associate professor of Islamic studies, led the team.

Persian Gulf

Six students learned how to use their business skills in a missionary context in the Persian Gulf. Kevin Jones, assistant professor of teacher education, led the team.


A six-member team spent two weeks reaching and teaching the people of India. George Martin, professor of Christian missions and world religions, led the team.


A team of eight spent part of January doing evangelism among the people of Indonesia. George Martin, professor of christian missions and world religions, led the trip.


A eight-member team spent 10 days in may evangelizing and teaching children grades K-12. Melissa Tucker, associate professor of teacher education, led the team.

Serving in Our Own Backyard

Students and faculty from SBTS and Boyce served their community through evangelism and preaching throughout the year.

A team of men preached all over the city, including Oxmoor Retirement Home, Louisville Rescue Mission, and jails and prisons around Kentuckiana.

Other men spent time being chaplains at Churchill Downs and for FCA.

A team of Boyce students spent multiple days a week tutoring and evangelizing students in the west end of Louisville at Portland Promise Center

Students worked with Ayman Ibrahim to evangelize the large Muslim population in Dearborn, Michigan.

Boyce and Southern students did sidewalk counseling with women seeking to get an abortion with Speak for the Unborn.

Students from Southern helped cook meals and facilitated devotions for women trapped in the adult entertainment industry with Scarlet Hope.