
A Fresh Look at Martin Luther’s ‘A Mighty Fortress’

Since German is my first language, and since I grew up hearing this hymn from my parents first in German, I wanted to attempt a fresh version that might clarify a few obscure spots in the English text.

7 elements every worship service needs

As worship leaders, what we believe about God must always determine how we lead our churches.

Why do we gather for corporate worship? Five essential reasons

Listening to sermons online is generally a good thing but when it takes the place of gathering with God’s people to hear God’s Word in person much of what God intended for our growth as followers of Jesus gets lost.

Essential attributes of an effective worship leader

Leading a task that engages a holy God with such eternal implications should not be handled lightly.

It’s not about you: leading worship and loving others

You don’t want to be the sort of worship leader who makes yourself the central reference point in every situation. As a worship leader or worship pastor, you must look past yourself and remember that you serve Christ and his church.

The Recovery of True Worship

Worship is the purpose for which we were made — and only the redeemed can worship the Father in spirit and in truth.