
Skull of Thomas Aquinas Makes Historic Stop in Louisville: What Should Evangelicals Think?

The recent circulation of the head of Thomas Aquinas—albeit one of the most significant theologians of the medieval era—is a sad holdover from the medieval world that our Reformation forbears rightly rejected in toto.

Glorify Christ in Everything… Including Singing!

Drawing upon the Lord’s good gifts, Christian singing combines glorious truth, passionate melody, and unifying rhythm.

Our Groaning Joy

The people of God are living “in this hope”—the time between the advents of Christ when our joy is mingled with the countless “groanings” associated with a fallen world.

10 Things You Should Know about Prayer

Our Father loves to hear our voices. Nothing is too small to bring to him.

We Need Old Hymns: God Moves in a Mysterious Way

The world is groaning, we are groaning, but God is protecting us, forging our faith on the anvil of affliction because of his love for us and because of a passion for his own glory.

7 ways theology drives us to worship

To perceive God’s eternal power and divine nature and not respond with worship is to sinfully proclaim that God is unworthy — and nothing could be further from the truth.

How you can help your worship leader

The greatest joy of a worship leader is when people see more of Christ, when people’s burdens are lifted by Christ, when their hope and joy in Christ begins to rise.

3 things to look for in choosing hymns for corporate worship

The hymns of the church ought to be built on, shaped by, and saturated with the Word of God.