
Making a Heretic: Crawford Toy’s Tragic Path from Star Student to False Teacher

How did star pupil and popular professor Crawford Howell Toy embrace heresy and leave the Christian faith?

Book Reviews: ‘Apostolic Church Planting;’ ‘Ancient Christian Worship;’ ‘The Baptist Story;’ ‘Essential Evangelicalism’

Essential Evangelicalism: The Enduring Influence of Carl F.H. Henry, Matthew J. Hall and Owen Strachan, editors (Crossway 2015, $22.99) Review by Jeremiah Greever Even though much well-deserved respect and admiration has been given to Billy Graham, another 20th-century leader deserving similar accolades who forever made his imprint on evangelicalism is Carl F.H. Henry. Though he didn’t have Graham’s…

Six crucial questions to ask of every sermon

I do not want the congregation to see God’s Word as beyond their grasp, that advanced degrees are necessary to engage the things of God deeply. I want to convince them that any Spirit-filled Christian can fully comprehend, apply, and delight in the truths of Scripture.