How Can Your Church Use Easter for Evangelism?
If an unbeliever were to attend a church service, it would most likely be at Christmas or Easter. How can we prepare our churches for an evangelistic harvest this Easter? Let me suggest five ways.
If an unbeliever were to attend a church service, it would most likely be at Christmas or Easter. How can we prepare our churches for an evangelistic harvest this Easter? Let me suggest five ways.
Tom Schreiner, Gregg Allison, and Bruce Ware discuss Schreiner’s latest book.
During Jesus’s earthly ministry, he asked brilliant questions. Whenever Jesus asks a question, he makes a point or moves the discussion to another level.
Sermon preparation is hard work, but the word of God and the fruit God produces through the preaching of his word are worthy of that labor invested in it.
Dr. Gregg Allison interviews Stephen Wellum about his new book Systematic Theology: From Canon to Concept
Pastors today have access to countless resources and commentaries to help aid in their preparation, but that raises the question how should a pastor use a commentary?
Dr. John Wilsey interviews Dr. Barry Gibson about his new book The Power of Repentance: How God Changes Lives,
When a Pauline theology of suffering is seen in its connection to glory, the prosperity gospel is seen for what it truly is, namely, a different gospel, which is really no gospel at all.
What people say about wealth is a window into their worldview.
I know it sounds odd to say that I enjoy funerals more than weddings, but I do, because people are dialed in.
The beginning of a new year is an ideal time to stop, look up, and get our bearings. To that end, here are some questions to ask prayerfully in the presence of God.
In answering these questions, we have to remember that the reality of human sleep is not a new, recent, or modern phenomenon. It can actually trace its origins all the way back to the very beginning of scripture.