
What is a bad sermon and how do I recover from preaching one?

Pastor, you are a Christian first. If you did not carry out your calling effectively, rest in the finished work of Christ and in the knowledge that you are a child of God by faith alone.

226 years ago today, Baptist missions was born

In May of 1792, William Carey powerfully argued that the clear teaching of the New Testament was that Christ had accomplished everything necessary for the ingathering of the nations.

We persevere in the faith because of God’s preserving grace

In my prayers, I rarely fail to be grateful for God’s saving grace in Christ, but I realized that I seldom thank him for the daily grace that keeps me saved.

History Highlight: SBTS Library Archives — then and now

Materials in the Archives and Special Collections are available for research Monday through Friday, 9-5, on the second floor of the James P. Boyce Centennial Library.

Seven habits of long-term pastors

These habits are not unique to long-tenured pastors. But they do seem to be most consistent among those pastors who have been at one church for at least ten years.

Book Reviews September 2018

“Spiritual Gifts: What They Are and Why They Matter”; “How the Nations Rage: Rethinking Faith and Politics in a Divided Age”; “Kiss the wave: Embracing God in Your Trials”; “ESV Archeology Study Bible”; “Acts 1-12 For You”

Main Course: Tips for Surviving Seminary

For many, the academic rigor of master’s-level seminary work is daunting. S. Craig Sanders, former editor of Towers and an SBTS M.Div. graduate, offers a few tips and words of advice.

Theology Forum: What is “open” or “closed” communion — and why does it matter?

When a church observes communion, who is eligible to sit at the Lord’s table?