
What does godly encouragement look like?

Don’t underestimate the impact your encouragement might have in someone’s life.

Episode 18: Michael & Seth York on growing up in a pastor’s home

Dr. York sits down with his sons Michael and Seth York to discuss the joys and challenges of growing up as the children of a pastor.

Author Interview: Michael A.G. Haykin on Being a Pastor

Michael A.G. Haykin discusses his latest book “Being a Pastor: A Conversation with Andrew Fuller”

How much doctrine does one have to know to be saved?

Asking about the minimal level of doctrinal knowledge a Christian must have is dangerous if one is trying to get out of believing the whole Bible. But if it is asked humbly, the answer is a sweet reminder that, as the old adage goes, the gospel is shallow enough for a child to wade in and deep enough for an adult to swim in.

Balancing people and place in missions

Jesus commissions his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations. That command necessitates focus on both peoples and also places.

Episode 17: Nathan Lino on evangelism & mercy ministry

Dr. York sits down with Nathan Lino (founder and senior pastor of Northeast Houston Baptist Church in Houston, TX) to discuss evangelism & mercy ministry.

Episode 16: Charlie Dates on his journey to faithful pastoral ministry

Dr. York sits down with Charlie Dates (senior pastor of Progressive Baptist Church in Chicago, IL) to discuss his journey to faithful pastoral ministry.

‘For he is our peace’: The centrality of the gospel of Christ in racial reconciliation

Only the gospel of Christ can solve the problem of racism. Only the gospel can assure us that in Christ there is hope for reconciliation with God, and with one another.

Episode 15: The Mohlers on marriage, ministry, and SBTS

In this LIVE episode of Pastor Well, Hershael York sits down with Dr. & Mrs. R. Albert Mohler to discuss marriage, ministry, and SBTS.

Author Interview: Thomas R. Schreiner on Handbook on Acts and Paul’s Letters

Thomas R. Schreiner discusses his latest book “Handbook on Acts and Paul’s Letters”

New book dives deep into Andrew Fuller, the pastor

Andrew Fuller is a voice from the past that is worthy of befriending.

Episode 14: Kevin Ezell on friendship, family, and purity

Hershael York sits down with Kevin Ezell — president of the North American Mission Board — to discuss friendship, family, and purity.

Does Paul want husbands and wives to ‘submit to one another’?

The pattern for a husband’s headship is Christ’s headship over his bride — the church.