Here’s why the Bible calls men to “act like men”
In 1 Corinthians 16:13, the Apostle Paul has clearly chosen to associate courage with masculinity.
In 1 Corinthians 16:13, the Apostle Paul has clearly chosen to associate courage with masculinity.
Leader influences
The legacy of John Broadus’ preaching shaped generations of Southern Baptist preachers.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Below, David E. Prince, assistant professor of Christian preaching and pastor of Ashland Avenue Baptist Church, discusses his book In the Arena with Towers editor S. Craig Sanders. CS: What about the book and its message is important to communicate? DP: The book is essentially about Jesus, the church, family, and sports. I…
At best, television dads are nominal or figurehead leaders of the home, but at worst, they are relegated to the intellectual level of the family pet.
El Servicio de Capilla en el campus del Southern Baptist Theological Seminary en Louisville, Kentucky. El Servicio de Capilla se lleva a cabo dos veces por semana, cada martes y jueves a las 10 de la mañana. Este a la vez es transmitido en vivo en nuestra página de internet www.sbts.edu. El mensaje de hoy…