Author Interviews – William F. Cook “Jesus’s Final Week”
Author Interview
Author Interview
Author Interview
Every solid book on evangelism is a welcomed addition to the table, but Invitation is particularly helpful because it provides both theory and practice.
A conversation with Timothy Beougher about his new book, “Invitation To Evangelism: Sharing The Gospel With Conviction And Compassion”
“I know of no other couple in Christian history who loved one another more demonstratively than Charles and Susie Spurgeon.”
It’s always a good time for a new book on our communications struggles and how Christ empowers us to overcome them.
We have a discipleship disease in the local church. We have adopted a philosophy of ministry that sees discipleship inside the local church as optional, not necessary.
Aaron’s book is one of those rare books that bears revisiting. Why? Because as a pastor—as a Christian—I need to be reminded that fruit-bearing is not optional; it’s at the heart of maturity and growth as a minister of the gospel.
Evangelicals have been debating manhood and womanhood for decades, and the conflict shows no signs of subsiding.
“The God Who Goes Before You: Pastoral Leadership as Christ-Centered Followership”; “In His Image”; “The Gospel Comes with a House Key”; “Good and Angry: Redeeming Anger, Irritation, Complaining, and Bitterness”; “Echoes of Exodus: Tracing Themes of Redemption through Scripture”
“Spiritual Gifts: What They Are and Why They Matter”; “How the Nations Rage: Rethinking Faith and Politics in a Divided Age”; “Kiss the wave: Embracing God in Your Trials”; “ESV Archeology Study Bible”; “Acts 1-12 For You”
Growing In Gratitude Gratitude is more complex than a smile on one’s face or a polite, “thank you.” In Growing in Gratitude, Mary Mohler provides a rich theology revealing the deeper roots of gratitude. Many Christians experience a lull in their joy for the things of God years after conversion, and Mohler encourages them to…
When Your Twenties Are Darker Than You Expected by Paul Maxwell (Amazon Kindle 2018, $2.99) Review by Sarah Haywood Twentysomethings experience a decade that is often dark and difficult to navigate, where the expectations of childhood disappear and responsibility arises. The “darkness” of the this stage is real, and in learning to engage it, according…
Creation Care: A Biblical Theology of the Natural World by Douglas J. Moo and Jonathan A. Moo (Zondervan 2018, $22.34) Review by Gabriel Reyes-Ordeix The term “creation care” is a buzzword. It refers to human ethical responsibility toward the non-human world, but is often left vague and highly politicized. Creation Care, written by Douglas and…
Not everyone will study theology. But everyone should be able to study the Bible the right way. This is why Stephen J. Wellum, professor of Christian theology at Southern Seminary, and Trent Hunter wrote Christ from Beginning to End: How the Full Story of Scripture Reveals the Full Glory of Christ. This book helps readers…
50 Core Truths of the Christian Faith: A Guide to Understanding and Teaching Theology by Gregg R. Allison If you have ever taught Bible or theology to kids or teenagers as a recently enrolled seminary student, you know that it can be difficult to distill all of the complex and nuanced information from your seminary…
A Reader’s Guide to the Major Writings of Jonathan Edwards by Nathan Finn and Jeremy M. Kimble (Crossway, 2017 $21.99) No American wields more theological influence on evangelical than Jonathan Edwards. Yet if you ask around, you’ll find few Christians — even those of us who claim his theological lineage — actually read much of…
The Prayer That Turns the World Upside Down: The Lord’s Prayer as a Manifesto for Revolution R. Albert Mohler Jr. The Lord’s Prayer is a revolutionary and earth-shattering manifesto for God’s eternal reign in heaven and earth, writes R. Albert Mohler Jr. in his new book, The Prayer That Turns the World Upside Down, which…