
The Meaning of Circumcision in Israel: A Proposal for a Transfer of Rite from Egypt to Israel

Glory Veiled in the Tabernacle of Flesh: Exodus 33-34 in the Gospel of John

The Nature of the New Covenant: A Case Study in Ephesians 2:11-22

Paedocommunion, Paedobaptism, and Covenant Theology: A Baptist Assessment and Critique

The Sabbath and Its Relation to Christ and the Church in the New Covenant

Introduction In this article I will examine the subject of the Sabbath or Sabbath day and its relation to Christ and the Church in the new covenant. There has been much debate about Sabbatarianism in the history of the Church. Is the Sabbath still relevant for today? Should the Sabbath be observed by Christians? Which…

“The Glory of God” – The Character of God’s Being and Way in the World: Some Reflections on a Key Biblical Theology Theme