Bible Politics After the Restoration: Scriptural Submission and Resistance in Non-Conformist Commentary
Early Modern Dutch Biblical Exegesis: Renaissance and Reception
“At Any Price Give me the Book of God!”: Devotional Intent and Bible Reading for the Early Evangelicals
Baptists Reading the Song of Songs: John Gill, Anne Dutton, and Andrew Fuller

Theology Forum: What is “open” or “closed” communion — and why does it matter?
When a church observes communion, who is eligible to sit at the Lord’s table?
Recovering the Lost World of Edwards’ Exegesis
Interpreting the Hebrew Scriptures in Cotton Mather’s Bible Americana 1693-1728
John Owen’s Bible
Ask Anything Live (Episode 8)

Here’s a better way to determine your spiritual gifts
If you give yourself to other believers in the church, you will inevitably be using your gifts.

The Exclusivity of Christ Isn’t an Abstract Doctrine. It Will Change Your Life
Do you shrink back from saying what you believe to gain the praise of others?

3 reasons every pastor needs to be a theologian
God calls the pastor to be first and foremost a theologian.

4 ways doctrine impacts every day of my life (and why the church needs it)
Theology is more practical than we often realize.

Why legalism destroys churches and kills Christians
The law as a guide to salvation is a terrible taskmaster.

Why you can’t understand the Bible without understanding the covenants
If we don’t understand the covenants, we will not and cannot understand the Bible because we won’t understand how the story fits together.
Are people ultimately good or bad?

8 reasons the resurrection matters more than you think
Do we, in our drive to make everything gospel-centered and cross-saturated unintentionally underemphasize the final miracle in the doctrines of grace?