A Triage for Practical Theology
A framework of theological urgency is crucial for confessional debates, yet many issues causing division in the church today have more to do with practical application than doctrinal formulation.
A framework of theological urgency is crucial for confessional debates, yet many issues causing division in the church today have more to do with practical application than doctrinal formulation.
Who or what are the spirits to whom Jesus preached? What did Jesus preach? What does Peter mean by preaching? How did Jesus preach, and when did Jesus preach?
Tom Schreiner, Gregg Allison, and Bruce Ware discuss Schreiner’s latest book.
Dr. Gregg Allison interviews Stephen Wellum about his new book Systematic Theology: From Canon to Concept
From beginning to end and through every step of the way, the Holy Spirit was active in Christ’s penal substitutionary atonement.
Unlike the world and its character of sinfulness, the church is characterized by holiness.
What made it impossible for him to sin was not his divine nature as an acting agent, but the fact that he is the Son, in relation to the Father and Spirit, and as the Son, he speaks, acts, and chooses, gladly and willingly, to obey his Father in all things.
John proclaims the Word as God, through whom the world was made, in whom is life, and who is unquenchable light.
As a result of the incarnation, God the Son becomes perfectly qualified to meet our every need, especially our need for the forgiveness of our sin
Of all the people who have lived and ever will live, Jesus alone qualifies, in His person and work, as the only one capable of accomplishing atonement for the sin of the world.
There is no greater news than this: Christ Jesus, as God the Son incarnate, perfectly meets our need before God by his obedient life and substitutionary death.
At the heart of Sola Scriptura, is the recognition that fallen humans are always looking to replace God’s authority with some other human/creaturely authority
To say God’s mercy ultimately originates as a response to foreseen faith or mercy is to affirm election does depend on human will and exertion, rather than on God (contrary to v. 16).
If we ever appear to have exhausted our knowledge of God, we’ve certainly committed idolatry because we’re no longer talking about God.
How you live now is correlated with how you believe God is working towards eternity.
Disputed and disdained though it may be, predestination and its sibling, election, are plainly taught in Scripture and every exegete must make peace with it.