Episode 54: Guarding Against Pornography
In this episode, Hershael York talks about individuals recovering from porn addiction and the dangers of allowing it to grow.
In this episode, Hershael York talks about individuals recovering from porn addiction and the dangers of allowing it to grow.
If we describe our anger merely as sin, we will not gain the insight necessary for overcoming it.
Regardless of which interpretation is correct, the main point is plain: humanity was falling deeper and deeper into sin and running farther and farther away from God.
I haven’t grown past my need to walk on a path paved with the grace-saturated words of this letter. I suspect I’m not alone, so here are six reasons I’ll never be able to leave Galatians behind.
Perfectionism is the tendency to expect flawless performance from self and others, resulting in frustration at any sign of failure.
In the end, only God himself is true happiness, beauty, and delight.
So, does Scripture teach there are degrees of sin? The answer is, yes, but in making such an affirmation one can never relativize the serious nature of all sin