True Freedom
The Joy of Unseen Righteousness Before an Unseen God
Paul’s Vision for Ministry and Us
Desperate Times Call for Disciple Making Measures
Inerrancy and the Great Commission
Will Beauty Save the World?
Participating in the Divine Nature
A Conversation with Astronaut, Col. Jeff Williams
Ready for Every Good Work
Forever, O Lord, Thy Word is Settled in Heaven: The Unchanging Word in an Age of Mega-Change
The Meaning of Circumcision in Israel: A Proposal for a Transfer of Rite from Egypt to Israel
Glory Veiled in the Tabernacle of Flesh: Exodus 33-34 in the Gospel of John
The Nature of the New Covenant: A Case Study in Ephesians 2:11-22
Paedocommunion, Paedobaptism, and Covenant Theology: A Baptist Assessment and Critique
The Sabbath and Its Relation to Christ and the Church in the New Covenant
Introduction In this article I will examine the subject of the Sabbath or Sabbath day and its relation to Christ and the Church in the new covenant. There has been much debate about Sabbatarianism in the history of the Church. Is the Sabbath still relevant for today? Should the Sabbath be observed by Christians? Which…
“The Glory of God” – The Character of God’s Being and Way in the World: Some Reflections on a Key Biblical Theology Theme
Faithfulness in persecution: Juan Sanchez discusses book on 1 Peter
EDITOR’S NOTE: In what follows, Juan Sanchez, SBTS assistant professor of Christian theology and senior pastor of High Pointe Baptist Church in Austin, Texas, talks with Towers writer Andrew J.W. Smith about his book 1 Peter For You. AJWS: What does the church today need to hear from the book of 1 Peter? JS: Well, particularly in…