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To What Shall I Compare This Generation
The Joy of Unseen Righteousness Before an Unseen God
Desperate Times Call for Disciple Making Measures
Inerrancy and the Great Commission
The Sabbath and Its Relation to Christ and the Church in the New Covenant
Introduction In this article I will examine the subject of the Sabbath or Sabbath day and its relation to Christ and the Church in the new covenant. There has been much debate about Sabbatarianism in the history of the Church. Is the Sabbath still relevant for today? Should the Sabbath be observed by Christians? Which…
D3 2016 Week 1 General Session 4
D3 2016 Week 1 Missions Track Session 2
D3 2016 Week 1 General Session 3
Mathena Center and Lifeway Pastors Round Table Discussion (Audio)
Mathena Center and Lifeway Pastors Round Table Discussion
Driven By Truth: General Session 1 (Audio)
Matthew 26:21-75
Matthew 26:21-75 (Audio)
The Gospel Mandate of Mercy (Audio)
The Gospel Mandate of Mercy
Expositors Summit 2015: General Session 6 – “Preaching a Great Christ”
El propósito de las parábolas (Clase Mullins #1)
El doctor y conferencista John MacArthur nos anima a conocer un poco mas acerca de las parabolas a través de las tradicionales clases de Mullins. En esta ocasión, aprendemos que Jesús cambió su estilo de enseñanza por un propósito especifico.
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