
Mohler on new semester: rapid culture change requires ‘whole new set of skills’ for pastors

“As I start a third decade as president of Southern Seminary, I recognize that the year 2013 is light- years from the year 1993,” said R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of Southern Seminary. “Twenty years is what time will record, but in terms of cultural and intellectual change, it’s far more than that.” According to…

Towers | August 2013

A SBTS Hipster

Book Reviews (Fall 2012)

Ph.D.s in the pulpit: Should (Future) Pastors Pursue Doctorates?

Commonly, seminary students nearing graduation consider whether or not they should pursue advanced research degrees, usually in the form of a doctor of philosophy degree (Ph.D.). Several questions immediately surface, such as “How much money would a Ph.D. cost?” “Do I have the academic ability and energy for more schooling?” and “What might another degree…

Towers | June/July 2013 Issue

Towers May 2013

Towers April 2013

Church necessarily: Allison dicusses new book

Boyce life: Why Southern’s undergraduate school attracts diverse groups of students

Towers March 2013

Didn’t Waste His Life

Gospel light in Newtown

Towers February 2013

Go Midwest, young man: Jason Allen Southern Story

Towers Dec 2012 – Jan 2013

Volume 3, Issue 1: Marriage and Children

Towers November 2012