
Table of Contents (Winter 2011)

Editorial: Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of the King James Bible

Ten Fallacies about the King James Version

“Zeal to Promote the Common Good” The Story of the King James Bible

Tyndale’s One Thing

The English Bible before Tyndale

Fundamentalism and the King James Version: How a Venerable English Translation Became a Litmus Test for Orthodoxy

The SBJT Forum: The Legacy of the King James Bible

Book Reviews (Winter 2011)

The vision of James P. Boyce and the Abstract of Principles

Boyce believed that the Baptist seminary he desired to establish must be two things: conformed to scriptural truth and faithful to serve its denomination.

Review: The King in His Beauty: A Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments

(Baker 2013, $44.99), Thomas R. Schreiner Review by Josh Hayes Some say that genius is making the complex seem simple. If this is so, then calling New Testament scholar and Southern Seminary professor Thomas R. Schreiner a genius may not be an overstatement. Whether in writing, the classroom or the pulpit, Schreiner displays an uncanny…

The better we see the big picture, the better we see Jesus: Schreiner talks The King in His Beauty

EDITOR’S NOTE: Below, Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation at Southern Seminary, discusses his new book, The King in His Beauty: A Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments, with Towers contributor Josh Hayes.    JH: For our readers who might be less familiar with the term, what is…

Mohler on new semester: rapid culture change requires ‘whole new set of skills’ for pastors

“As I start a third decade as president of Southern Seminary, I recognize that the year 2013 is light- years from the year 1993,” said R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of Southern Seminary. “Twenty years is what time will record, but in terms of cultural and intellectual change, it’s far more than that.” According to…

Towers | August 2013

A SBTS Hipster

Book Reviews (Fall 2012)

Ph.D.s in the pulpit: Should (Future) Pastors Pursue Doctorates?

Commonly, seminary students nearing graduation consider whether or not they should pursue advanced research degrees, usually in the form of a doctor of philosophy degree (Ph.D.). Several questions immediately surface, such as “How much money would a Ph.D. cost?” “Do I have the academic ability and energy for more schooling?” and “What might another degree…

Towers | June/July 2013 Issue