
Book Reviews (Summer 2013)

What is Biblical Theology by James M. Hamilton Jr.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Below, Towers book review editor Matt Damico reviews What Is Biblical Theology? by James M. Hamilton Jr.  An interview with Dr. Hamilton concerning his book can be found here.  Author N.D. Wilson recently wrote, “‘Story, story, my life is a story,’ says the hipster to his Twitter feed.” But, as Wilson admits, the hipster is at least…

Towers | Dec-Jan 2014

The tale of C.S. Lewis’ imaginative legacy

C.S. Lewis is to evangelicalism what Elvis is to rock music. It is doubtful that you will find a multitude of Lewis impersonators if you visit Las Vegas; it would certainly be comical if you did, but in the same way that Elvis is an unavoidable figure in the history of American pop culture, you…

Seven questions about C.S. Lewis with Alister McGrath

Fifty years ago, Nov. 22, 1963, 20th century author and English scholar C.S. Lewis died. Five decades later, his influence continues to grow. Towers editor Aaron Cline Hanbury asks Alister McGrath, theologian, intellectual historian and apologist at King’s College London, about the legacy of Lewis and his new books, C.S. Lewis — A Life and The Intellectual World of C.S. Lewis.  …

Elephant in the room: Evangelicals continue to value C.S. Lewis despite theological differences

According to four evangelicals, C.S. Lewis was sometimes wrong. Less than a month after Lewis’ death in November 1963, a writer for Christianity Today cited English pastor Martyn Lloyd-Jones — who was a friend of Lewis’ — as an evangelical with “reservations” about Lewis. CT writer J.D. Douglas paraphrases Lloyd-Jones, saying Lewis’ view of salvation…

Sex, Scripture and the glory of God: Denny Burk discusses the meaning of sex

EDITOR’S NOTE: Denny Burk, associate professor of biblical studies and ethics at Boyce College, and associate pastor at Kenwood Baptist Church in Louisville, Ky., discusses his new book, What Is the Meaning of Sex?, with Towers book review editor, Matt Damico. A brief review of the book appears at the Southern Blog: here.   MD: Why…

Towers | November 2013

Twelve hours with the president: A photo essay

  During Southern Seminary president R. Albert Mohler Jr.’s 20th anniversary convocation day, Towers photographer Emil Handke shadowed the president, capturing the day from every angle. (Images are property of Southern Seminary’s Office of Communications and may not be reused without permission.)   9:26 a.m. – The president’s office on the second floor of Norton Hall…

Towers | October 2013

Evangelical centrifuge: president Mohler builds a faculty

When R. Albert Mohler Jr. assumed office as the ninth president of Southern Seminary, he brought with him a desire to bring the theology taught in the classrooms into conformity with the heritage of the institution’s founding faculty members — James P. Boyce, John A. Broadus, Basil Manly Jr. and William Williams. In 1993, few…

Twenty years and counting: Mohler reflects on his presidency of Southern Seminary

In April 1995, he was completely spent. “I thought it was all over,” said R. Albert Mohler Jr. “I just thought I didn’t have anymore to give. I thought this was it.” Two weeks earlier, the faculty of Southern Seminary, where Mohler had been president for less than two years, overwhelmingly supported a motion that…

Table of Contents (Winter 2012)

Table of Contents (Spring 2013)

Editorial: Learning from the Life and Ministry of Andrew Fuller

“So valuable a life. . .”: A Biographical Sketch of Andrew Fuller (1754-1815)

“The Utterance of a Full Heart”: The Pastoral Wisdom of Andrew Fuller

Marriage and Family in the Life of Andrew Fuller